Orange County NC Website
20 <br />those wastes directed to Reuse or Other Diversion programs (see Section 2, subsection d). Title <br />to all nonconforming waste not accepted at the site but subsequently accepted by the Contractor <br />for transport, recycling and disposal shall be deemed to pass directly from such residents to the <br />Contractor retroactive to the date received by the Contractor. <br />SECTION 9 <br />Licenses: The Contractor certifies that, prior to performing each service pursuant to this <br />Agreement, it will have any and all federal, North Carolina, and local licenses or permits <br />necessary to perform that service. <br />SECTION 10 <br />Insurance: The Contractor shall procure and maintain, at its expense during the term of this <br />Agreement, at least the following insurance covering the services to be performed under this <br />Agreement: <br />a) Worker's Compensation -statutory <br />b) Employer's Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence <br />c) General Liability (bodily injury and property damage) - $1,000,000 per occurrence, <br />$2,000,000 annual aggregate combined single limit <br />d) Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit <br />e) Environmental Impairment Liability for sudden accidental occurrences - $1,000,000 per <br />claims made, $2,000,000 annual aggregate <br />f) Excess Liability Insurance - $8,000,000 per occurrence, $8,000,000 annual aggregate. <br />Excess Liability Insurance policy covers Employer's Liability, General Liability, and <br />Automobile Liability. <br />g) MCS90 Endorsement for hazardous materials transportation - $5,000,000. <br />At least ten (10) days before the first collection day, the Contractor shall provide the County with <br />a Certificate of Insurance showing coverages c, and d above, and naming the County as <br />certificate holder and additional insured. The Contractor shall also provide copies of Certificates <br />of Insurance demonstrating coverages e and f above. <br />Current, valid insurance policies meeting the above requirements shall be maintained for the <br />duration of the contract. Certificates of Insurance on an Accord 25 S (7/90) or similar form <br />meeting required insurance provisions shall be forwarded to the County for Contractor and any <br />subcontractors. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the County fifteen (15) days prior to any <br />expiration date. There shall also be a thirty (30) day notification to the County prior to <br />cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. Wording on the Certificate of <br />