Agenda - 06-12-2007-4e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-12-2007
Agenda - 06-12-2007-4e
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8/29/2008 3:57:26 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 11:56:31 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20070612
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
S Solid Waste - ECOFLO for Household Hazardous Waste
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2007
S Solid Waste - Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Agreement
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2007
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17 <br />reasonable expenses and charges for handling, loading, preparing, transporting, storing and <br />caring for nonconforming waste. If the waste is discovered to be nonconforming, the <br />Contractor shall be responsible only for its employees', agents' subcontractors', or invitees' <br />negligent acts or omissions with respect to such waste or failure to perform in accordance <br />with this Agreement. <br />i) County's HHW Facility, and Storage of Waste in Said Facility: Contractor may store wastes <br />accepted while providing services in this Agreement in County's permitted F:~iW facility <br />located at the Orange County Landfill, 1514 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. <br />Contractor shall be responsible for all wastes stored within said facility. Storage time and <br />restrictions shall be determined by law, applicable permits and / or licenses, safety <br />considerations, and space demands and expense to the County. The Contractor will develop <br />a collection schedule mutually agreeable to the County. Contractor shall remove waste from <br />said facility as permits, rules, regulations, and law require, and as proves to be efficient for <br />Contractor and cost effective for County. The Contractor shall pick up materials stored in <br />County's facility within seven (7) days of notification to do so by the County or its duly <br />authorized agent, if any. County, at its expense, shall maintain in good working order the <br />HHW facility structure (building), any County property within the facility, and the fire <br />suppression system associated with the I~IW storage facility. <br />j) Transportation and Treatment /Disposition of Wastes: As needed, the Contractor shall <br />transport wastes off-site in vehicles permitted for such transportation, according to applicable <br />law. Contractor must provide for disposal of wastes through treatment, recycling and/or <br />incineration with landfilling at a State or Federally permitted hazardous waste disposal site <br />used as a last resort. Contractor shall advise the County as to the options available for the <br />disposition of the waste accepted at County's HHW program. To the extent allowed by law, <br />the County shall choose the method in which the waste shall be reused, recycled, or disposed. <br />County may request that Contractor periodically provide information that County can use to <br />review the methods Contractor uses to manage waste accepted at County's program. County <br />may also develop criteria for determining which wastes are set aside for reuse, recycling, or <br />management by County or other party of County's choosing, instead of by Contractor (see <br />Reuse and Other Diversion, Section 4, subsection e). <br />k) Manifests: Contractor shall provide to County a Manifest listing all wastes packaged for <br />disposal prior to the waste being transported from County's facility (or the site of a special <br />event). The Contractor shall finalize and / or complete all Manifest and shipping papers upon <br />receipt of waste at Contractor's TSDF facility, and shall provide a completed copy of <br />Manifest to County for County records within fifteen (15) working days of the collection <br />event. <br />1) Reports and Records: Contractor shall submit monthly reports to the County along with <br />invoices for service. Invoices shall not be processed for payment without said accompanying <br />reports. These monthly reports shall be submitted on a standard form as agreed upon by <br />County and Contractor, and shall contain information on waste amounts, waste composition, <br />event/program participation, and itemized costs as designated by the County and the facility <br />
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