Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Contractor will not take possession of or title to aforementioned items directed to reuse <br />programs. <br />f) Commercial Waste and the Conditionall~pt Small Quantity Generator Program: <br />County and Contractor shall jointly establish a program to accept and manage Hazardous <br />Waste produced by Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) located <br />within Orange County. By operating this program jointly with Contractor, County does not <br />take possession of or become the legal generator of any non-governmental commercially <br />generated hazardous waste accepted by the CESQG Waste Program. <br />The County, Site Attendant, and Contractor will work to prevent commercially generated <br />hazardous waste from being falsely presented as household hazardous waste to the <br />Household Hazardous Waste Program. <br />Once established, the CESQG Program may either be operated on specifically scheduled days <br />(schedule to be determined by County and Contractor), or County and Contractor may choose <br />to accept CESQG Waste simultaneously with HHVJ during HHW collection times. <br />It is County's intention to have the CESQG Program provide low-cost hazardous waste <br />management services to Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators of hazardous <br />wastes. Disposal costs for the CESQG Program shall be paid for by the generator of the <br />waste. A price list itemizing the cost of delivering different types of wastes to the CESQG <br />Program shall be developed by Contractor and approved by County prior to the <br />implementation of the CESQG Program. Assuming that CESQG wastes are accepted by the <br />CESQG Program during the operational hours of the multi-day per week I:CPIW Program, and <br />assuming that the acceptance of the CESQG waste does not necessitate additional Contractor <br />employees beyond the Site Attendant, then the fees charged the CESQGs by Contractor for <br />the acceptance and disposal of CESQG wastes will be discounted based on the fact that <br />County, by paying for Site Attendant, is paying for the labor to manage the acceptance of the <br />CESQG wastes. If additional Contractor labor is needed to accept CESQG wastes, then <br />County will be billed for the additional labor at the rates identified in Appendix A. <br />When billing County for the charges associated with managing Household Hazardous Waste <br />($0.60 per pound as identified in Section 3, subsection b), Contractor will account for any <br />and all accepted CESQG wastes, and will not charge County for CESQG waste disposal. <br />As CESQG waste is delivered to and accepted by the CESQG Program, Contractor will <br />accept payment for disposal of CESQG wastes directly from generator at the tune of receipt <br />of said wastes. Contractor shall be solely responsible for collection of payment for disposal <br />costs from the CESQG generator, though County will reasonably assist Contractor in pursuit <br />of payment when possible. <br />g) Waste Generated by Local Governments and Public School Systems within Orange County: <br />Divisions of Orange County Government, other Local Governments within Orange County <br />(Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough), and the Public School Systems within <br />