Agenda - 06-12-2007-4e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-12-2007
Agenda - 06-12-2007-4e
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8/29/2008 3:57:26 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 11:56:31 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20070612
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
S Solid Waste - ECOFLO for Household Hazardous Waste
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2007
S Solid Waste - Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Agreement
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2007
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10 <br />Storage: Holding hazardous waste for a temporary period, after which the hazardous waste is <br />treated, disposed of, or stored elsewhere. <br />Lab Pack: Dnuns or approved containers filled with many small containers packed in <br />nonbiodegradable absorbent material. <br />Manifest: Paperwork that accompanies hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point <br />of ultimate treatment, storage, or disposal. Each party involved in the waste's management <br />retains a copy of the RCRA manifest, which contains specific information about the waste. <br />Site Attendant: Contractor employee who works full-time at County's Permanent HHW Facility <br />managing waste received under this contract. <br />SECTI®l~t 3 <br />Compensation and Payment: The County agrees to pay Contractor for its services in accordance <br />with the following prices and terms of payment: <br />a) Labor: Contractor will provide one full-time Contractor employee, hereafter "Site <br />Attendant," working 40 hours per week at County's facility: $21,000 per year payable in <br />monthly installments of $1,'750. Additional labor by Contractor employees beyond that of the <br />Site Attendant maybe billed at the prices set forth in the attached Appendix A. <br />b) Disposal, Supply, and Transportation: All disposal, supply, and transportation charges <br />associated with management of Household Hazardous Waste received during the regular <br />operational hours of the multi-day per week HHW program (see Section 4, subsection b) will <br />be covered by a fixed price of $0.60 per pound of HHW. This weight will be determined as <br />the HHW is received at County's facility, and shall exclude the weight of HHW diverted to <br />Reuse and Other Diversionary programs (as described in Section 4, subsection d) and shall <br />whenever practical exclude the weight of containers used by citizens to deliver the HHW to <br />the facility. Specifically, cardboard boxes, newspaper, bags and other materials used only to <br />transport smaller containers of HHW will not be weighed' unless they are contaminated to the <br />extent that they require treatment as IHF-IW. Contractor will bill County monthly for disposal, <br />supplies, and transportation, and shall provide required manifests and reports, as listed in <br />Section 4, subsection k and subsection 1. <br />c) Additional Labor, Services and Supplies: Additional labor, services, and supplies beyond <br />those provided by the Site Attendant when managing waste received at County's HHW <br />facility during the regular operational hours (as defined in Section 4, subsection b) may be <br />obtained by the County at the price set forth in the attached Appendix A, the Pricing Sheet, <br />which is made part of this Agreement. Examples of additional labor, services, and supplies <br />include, but are not limited to the following: <br />• County's purchase of supplies such as 55 gallon drums for programs other than the HHVV <br />program; <br />
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