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16 <br /> notched ones are right here in the County. White stated that she <br /> agreed with Anderson. Todd Dickinson asked if the consultants <br /> would be paid by the University. Ward stated yes. The principal <br /> investigator would be responsible for the amount of work being <br /> done. Time sheets would be turned in. He stated that a specific <br /> document will be drawn up. <br /> Collins commented that the best approach would be to run the <br /> project through the University. It would also save time with <br /> RFP' s. He stated that the Planning Department has used graduate <br /> and undergraduate students from UNC for a number of years with <br /> really good results. <br /> Trawick Ward left the room and did not participate in the vote. <br /> MOTION: Anderson moved that the archaeological portion of the <br /> inventory be done through the University of North <br /> Carolina at Chapel Hill. Seconded by White. <br /> White stated that it 's good if a professional can do quality work <br /> for a set amount of money. Todd Dickinson agreed that the <br /> Commission is lucky to have great resources and don't have to <br /> explain to them what is wanted but they can explain what should <br /> be done and then do it. The Commission will also get a good <br /> financial deal. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> Ward re-entered the room. <br /> Collins stated that there are options for the selection of <br /> consultants for the manuscript. One option is to continue to <br /> employ Todd Peck and Jody Carter for the writing of the <br /> manuscript. The other option is to send out RFP's (Request for <br /> Proposals) to people that the Commission is familiar with and <br /> that the Historic Preservation Office recommends. He stated that <br /> the benefit of staying with Todd and Jody is that they are the <br /> consultants doing the inventory and they are familiar with the <br /> vast majority of structures in the County. He stated that <br /> Catherine Bisher feels that Todd and Jody can do a good job <br /> writing/preparing the manuscript. It will be up to the <br /> Commission to provide the guidance in what is wanted. He further <br /> stated that if an RFP is sent out, you might possibly get someone <br /> who would do the manuscript for the amount of money involved and <br /> who had the word processing skills necessary to do a draft <br /> layout. He stated that he is looking for guidance from the <br /> Commission as to how to go about hiring a consultant for the <br /> manuscript. <br /> Ward clarified that technical skills are good to have. He stated <br /> that it would be nice to get someone with both technical skills <br /> and knowledge. <br /> Anderson stated that she would like to see Todd and Jody's work <br /> before she made any decision about them. White agreed with <br /> Anderson. She stated that her first reaction is to take someone <br /> who is familiar with the area. She stated that she would like to <br />