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21 <br /> EXHIBIT F - OTHER PROVISIONS <br /> In addition to the terms and conditions contained in the <br /> Agreement between HAI and Employer , the following provisions shall <br /> apply : <br /> 1 . Training. HAI shall provide eight ( 8 ) employee <br /> and/or supervisory group orientation/training sessions as defined in <br /> paragraph 4 of Exhibit A, free of charge . If additional training is <br /> requested by Employer , Employer shall pay HAI , upon receipt of HAI ' s <br /> invoice , the sum of ninety-five dollars and no cents ( $95 . 00 ) per <br /> hour, plus expenses . <br /> 2 . Health Education Seminars . As requested by <br /> Employer, HAI shall provide to Employer' s employees health education <br /> seminars at a rate of ninety-five dollars and no cents ( $95 . 00 ) per <br /> hour , plus expenses . <br /> • <br /> • <br /> 11 <br />