Orange County NC Website
_-i 2 <br /> VOLUNTARY FARMLAND PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br /> The proposed amendment to the Voluntary Farmland Preservation <br /> Ordinance is as follows: <br /> 1. Requirements for Inclusion - Voluntary Agricultural District <br /> Under the proposal, Section V-B-1 would be amended to permit <br /> "rounding off" to the nearest whole acre in determining if a <br /> farm meets the minimum acreage requirement of 80 contiguous <br /> acres. <br /> HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br /> The proposed amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance <br /> involve Articles 1-4 . Technical changes are proposed following <br /> review of the Ordinance by the State Historic Preservation Office. <br /> Article 1 would be amended to require that all members of the <br /> Historic Preservation Commission demonstrate special interest, <br /> experience or education in fields related to historic preservation. <br /> Articles 2 and 3 would be amended to state that the Historic <br /> Preservation Commission is responsible for investigating and <br /> preparing reports on historic districts and historic landmarks. <br /> Article 4 would be amended to make the Ordinance consistent with <br /> N.C. General Statutes regarding the delay of demolition of <br /> landmarks and buildings in historic districts. <br /> COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS <br /> The proposed amendments to the Land Use Element of the Orange <br /> County Comprehensive Plan are as follows: <br /> 1. CP-1-93 Economic Development Districts <br /> a. Amend Section 3.3 - Land Use Plan Categories by changing <br /> the table of basic and detailed land use categories to <br /> include a new land use plan category entitled "Economic <br /> Development Activity Node" . <br /> An Economic Development Activity Node would include land <br /> in Transition areas of the County which has been <br /> specifically targeted for economic development <br /> activity consisting of light industrial, distribution, <br /> flex space, office, and service/retail uses. Such areas <br /> are located adjacent to interstate and major arterial <br /> highways, and subject to special design criteria and <br /> performance standards. <br /> b. Amend Section 3.4 - Locational Criteria by adding <br /> criteria by which to evaluate the location of Economic <br /> Development Activity Nodes [Transition] . These criteria <br /> include land slope, hydrology, flora and fauna, soil <br /> conditions, public services/utilities, transportation <br /> systems, energy use, existing land use, agriculture and <br /> forestry, population density, and historic and cultural <br /> resources. <br />