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<br />Bus & Rail Investment Plan Update | Dec 2016 | Public Involvement Plan <br />2.1 Public Involvement Tools and Techniques <br />2.1.1 Public Workshops <br />A Transit Staff Working Group (SWG) will host several public workshops to allow opportunities <br />for the public to engage with staff and learn more about the BRIP updates. Presentations and <br />other materials will be used to provide information about the program. Whenever possible an <br />interactive activity will be used to help educate and prepare workshop participants to provide <br />feedback. Participants will be encouraged to provide feedback about the project by completing <br />comment cards or surveys. <br />Workshops will be scheduled at times and locations that enable as much participation as <br />possible. Translation and interpretive services will be provided, when needed or as requested. <br />2.1.2 Small Group Meetings <br />The SWG will initiate meetings with stakeholders to identify major concerns or issues before <br />such concerns impact the project timeline. Such meetings may include small group meetings <br />elected officials or community leaders and topics or materials presented will be tailored the <br />experience level of the group. <br />2.1.3 Community Events <br />During the outreach process, the SWG will seek community events that attract people that do <br />not typically participate in public meetings to expand public input to a broader audience. <br />2.1.4 Elected Officials and Jurisdictional Briefings <br />As appropriate, the SWG will schedule updates and presentations to governing bodies in <br />Durham and Orange County. A list of anticipated briefings is attached. <br />2.1.5 Website and Email Announcements <br />A new page will be created on the Our Transit Future website to host all information, <br />documents, presentations and meeting materials pertaining to the BRIP updates. Important <br />messages and alerts of meetings will be posted to agency/town/city websites and added to any <br />regularly occurring mass email messages in alerts. <br />2.1.6 Media Relations <br />GoTriangle’s Communications and Public Affairs Team will coordinate with the communications <br />officers of the transit partners to develop message documents and information materials. Each <br />partner should reference approved and coordinated statements when answering questions from <br />reporters, news outlets and the general public. <br />2.1.7 Presentations <br />A standard PowerPoint presentation will be developed for use in briefings, meetings and other <br />stakeholder events. The PowerPoint presentation will be refined, as needed, to correspond to <br />audience interests, needs, and concerns. The presentation will incorporate the project identity <br />7