Orange County NC Website
<br />Bus & Rail Investment Plan Update | Dec 2016 | Public Involvement Plan <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />ES 1. BACKGROUND <br />The Bus and Rail Investment Plans (BRIP) for Durham and Orange counties describe each <br />government’s commitment to public transit projects through the year 2035. Establishing a vision <br />to for their residents, these plans outline major investments, new services and other <br />improvements, their timelines, cost and funding sources. <br />ES 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The Durham BRIP was adopted in 2011 and the Orange County BRIP was adopted in 2012. <br />Since that time a number of projects identified in the plans have been advanced or <br />implemented, and some financial assumptions have changed. <br />Lead by the staff at GoTriangle, the transit agencies (Chapel Hill Transit, GoDurham, Orange <br />County Public Transportation and GoTriangle), local governments (City of Durham, County of <br />Durham, Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Carrboro, Town of Hillsborough and Orange County) and <br />the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC-MPO) are <br />preparing updates to both bus and rail investment plans to the year 2045. <br />To ensure that the public has adequate opportunities to learn about and participate in the <br />update, GoTriangle has prepared a detailed public involvement plan to identify key milestones in <br />the process, how to receive materials about the BRIPS and how to submit comments relating to <br />the effort. A successful public involvement process should help to facilitate the adoption of the <br />updated plans in a timely manner. <br />ES 3. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT EFFORT <br />To ensure the residents and elected and appointed boards of Durham and Orange County are <br />informed of the update of the BRIPs, that the plans are reflective of community needs and are <br />successfully adopted, staff from the transit agencies, local governments and the DCHC-MPO <br />have prepared a detailed public engagement plan that is: <br />■ Collaborative – Various staff will work together to present unified plans and a consistent <br />message under a combined outreach process. <br />■ Educational – The outreach process will be designed so that people understand the <br />projects that have been completed, new and unfinished projects and updated timelines. <br />■ Accessible – Materials and presentations for the plan updates will be easily <br />understandable and available online in a consolidated location. Public meetings will be <br />held in locations that are ADA accessible, near public transit and will occur at variety of <br />times to accommodate different work schedules. <br />■ Accountable – Input from stakeholders will be reviewed and documented in a <br />consistent manner, and shared with all stakeholders of the plan update in a timely <br />manner. <br /> <br />5