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Article 3: Base Zoning Districts 39 <br /> Section 3.3: Residential Districts <br /> R.5 DIMENSIONAL AND RATIO STANDARDS <br /> HIGH INTENSITY RESIDENTIAL Lot Size, min. (square <br /> 7,500 <br /> feet) <br /> PURPOSE Lot Width, min. (feet) 50 <br /> The purpose of the High Intensity Residential (R-5) District is to <br /> provide locations for high intensity residential development and <br /> supporting recreational community, service,or educational uses Front Setback from 20 [1] <br /> in areas where the full range urban services are available. ROW, min. (feet) <br /> It is further intended that these districts be used to promote <br /> economically mixed housing developments and to contribute to Corner Side Setback, 20 [2] <br /> the provision of a range of housing types for lower income min. (feet) <br /> households. <br /> APPLICABILITY Side Setback, min. 10 [1] <br /> (feet) <br /> This district will usually be applied where the following <br /> conditions exist: Rear Setback, min. <br /> 1. Designated by the adopted Comprehensive Plan as a <br /> (feet) 10 [1] <br /> Transition Area which can reasonably be annexed by a <br /> municipality in the ensuing 10-20 years, or within the Chapel Hill <br /> Joint Planning Area located at an Activity Node designated by <br /> the adopted Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 2. Water and sewer lines should exist at site or be assured of <br /> installation as part of the development process. <br /> 3. Vehicular access must consist of direct access to a street Height, max. (feet) 25 [3] <br /> certified either arterial or collector as designated by the adopted <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 4. The full range of urban services exist or are proposed at the <br /> time of the development including fire, police, recreation, <br /> education, commercial and cultural activities. <br /> R[4] 174 <br /> Floor Area Ratio, max. NR <br /> R-CU .200 <br /> DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES: NR-CU <br /> [1]Accessory structures shall not be erected in any required R NR .77 <br /> front open space and shall also conform to all other regulations. Required Open Space R-CU NR <br /> [2]Any corner lot having an abutting interior lot on its side street Ratio, min. CU .76 <br /> shall observe a front yard setback from both streets provided, Required Livability R R <br /> however, that this requirement does not reduce the width Space Ratio, min. CU .52 <br /> suitable for a building on said lot to less than 25 feet. (See <br /> graphic in Section 6.2.7). Required Recreation R .197 <br /> [3]Two feet of additional height shall be allowed for one foot Space Ratio, min. R-CU .200 <br /> increase of the required front and side setbacks. <br /> [4] R= residential, NR= non-residential, CU =conditional use. Gross Land Area, min. R-CU NR 10,000 <br /> (square feet) CU <br /> Required Pedestrian/ NR .195 <br /> Landscape Ratio, min. NR-CU .19 <br /> R-5 DISTRICT SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS <br /> 1. Uses shall be restricted to those indicated for the R-5 District in Section 5.2, unless a Conditional Use(CU) <br /> or MPD-CZ District is approved (see Section 3.8). <br /> 2. Development within the zoning district shall be subject to all applicable use standards detailed in Article 5 <br /> and all applicable development standards detailed in Article 6 of this Ordinance. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 3-14 <br />