<br /> No less disappointed by the study's out- $ 7.7 7 , ,,
<br /> come were many in the enviromentalcom- `' t'` x `] r'r `* ' a
<br /> �c a it� Arc"'fir .,-ao, a A ,8� '4^ s.; , •
<br /> munity.Most praised the process that f f t,� ,r.„ ': ` r� �'.,-' " gµ {.
<br /> assemi,'ed a variety of people from different ,<aJ,� i -z .;�Y , �'.-'4"� r
<br /> interests and got them to work together on a �f;r ""�"' V� 1 �+ -
<br /> common goal.Yet the final product was like -'p e 4�i 3i a A: -""" \Y f 3 , *4-, -"
<br /> sf
<br /> an out-of-shape boxer,they said,too heavy V� �t `� -' t \ _\i. �` 4: n „& 1
<br /> and cumbersome to fight well.Aimed at &-T ,o- ,
<br /> 44.1 " ' a .. 4i.. fi
<br /> comprehensiveness,the management plan ' ; �' �' I f\ ,
<br /> P g P sn }ntrrtc„ �. .� tip. ;
<br /> ended by being too bulky,too unfocused and , max' `®//� *� t-- , *- '
<br /> Y g Y> n t , .fi"t ti p aw (,.
<br /> too soft. �:�e+3a 41;,-..
<br /> � � x r ��ti< t4 �� �.; ?? �:�i7prf ;
<br /> We tackled every issue under the sun in "t ° ' / - / ' x
<br /> this report, said Todd Miller,executive ;r�5 I .� • r u. .., a h
<br /> t x= urn Gm '
<br /> director of the N.C.Coastal Federation and , t ,,, l Isi t®�' 4� _�, 'am' Ti .4"10" '� r a-
<br /> a member of the Pamlico Citizens Advisory , e� 10174064111� x M ,: •` ., t r '
<br /> Committee."Asa result,we missed an �t �� f::''''42::'...:'. '
<br /> CO establish limited - - ?Y+u� s1 ���" 11 "�'I'�.-. t;•71i�R.r, ,e!-I � Lt� :`.-$�
<br /> opportunity imited objectives 1
<br /> F t .lt rt� I F.,��, �� 1.
<br /> with measureable results."He compares the v' - .I
<br /> bulky CCMP with a similar plan,the Chesa �,. e�l�/�!�
<br /> peake Bay Agreement of 1987,that concisely � t"' ate j F
<br /> explained its goals and objectives in seven =� ,-.'''; 1,--__,_ i'` sa•
<br /> pages and established target dates for each --�..——'1" _ = = —
<br /> action plan.
<br /> "In a lot of cases,"added Dave McNaught,
<br /> executive director of the Pamlico-Tar River ject to criticism that the plan had prejudged The rich seafood resources of the two
<br /> Foundation,"the immediate action items in what the problems were,he adds.A compre- sounds will continue to decline unless
<br /> the CCMP are buried in a good deal of hensive plan—one that identified the envi- strategies,like the ones proposed in the
<br /> rhetoric.Some of the rhetoric is good,but ronmental problems in the estuaries and the APES conservation management plan,
<br /> what we'd like to see is an effort to highlight shortcomings of existing regulatory programs— are implemented.
<br /> the most immediate and direct action items." can result in more effective management of
<br /> McNaught also blamed the consensus- these two large sounds. 1
<br /> building approach itself as a reason why the ity that would hand down edicts,"Waite
<br /> document seemed to lack hard-hitting plans. Carter agrees,however,that the next step explains.The council would not have any
<br /> "When everyone sits down together to reach is to focus on action plans that are most criti- regulatory power,but would be accountable
<br /> consensus,what happens all too frequently is cal and that can be accomplished with the for the plan's implementation.Criticism like
<br /> that everyone is trying to make sure that their state's limited resources."We don't want this Shecter's may mean that the composition of
<br /> ox doesn't get gored,"he said."As a result, to become just another study that will sit on a the council and the way it relates to other
<br /> the final plan may be politically viable because shelf and collect dust." agencies will be revised by the time the docu-
<br /> it's come from a consensus of different par- These sentiments are echoed by almost ment is approved in February.
<br /> ties,but it can't make clear recommendations everyone.All agree that the most critical Other weaknesses in the management plan
<br /> of legitimate repair work because too many factor in the management plan is to make sure will also be addressed by the time the final
<br /> people are protecting[their own]interests." that it's put to work."We may think that we're draft appears this month.After the second
<br /> Waite says he knows that not every part of finished with the management plan,"says draft was released in December,it was sub-
<br /> the plan will meet with everyone's approval. Waite,"but the battle has really just begun." jected to another round of public meetings in
<br /> That was the whole purpose of the consensus The plan calls for a coordinating body— January and still more revisions.After this ,
<br /> approach—to produce a document that could the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Council— process,the plan may achieve a tenuous
<br /> be supported as a whole.It's a matter of practi- to put the management plans to work.Accord- consensus.
<br /> cality,he says."Environmentalists may want ing to the preliminary draft,the 22-member Even as it stands,however,the document
<br /> more regulation—say,restricting discharges council would be made up mostly by repre- provides a definitive overview of the problems .
<br /> into the estuary system,but we won't get that sentatives of the state and federal agencies in the nation's second largest estuary system.
<br /> accomplished because the other side would with current responsibilities for water quality, From now on,this will be the document that r
<br /> object.This conference was set up to find fisheries and related issues. people refer to in grappling with eastern North
<br /> some of the right answers that would work." This may be more difficult than it seems. Carolina's"troubled waters."After five years E
<br /> Derb Carter,an environmental lawyer for Waite admits that the idea of a coordinating and millions of dollars worth of scientific t.
<br /> the Southern Environmental Law Center in council has made some agency heads nervous. scrutiny,one could expect nothing less.
<br /> Chapel Hill,also defends the comprehensive Already the Division of Coastal Management Yet,it takes nothing away from the strengths
<br /> aims of the study.Carter was the chairman of has publicly expressed reservations about the of the document to say that the jury is still out
<br /> the Pamlico Citizens Advisory Committee council.According to Roger Shecter,director on the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study.If
<br /> and also sat on the Policy Committee. of Coastal Management,"I think more it is to fulfill its expectations,it must produce
<br /> "It's important that the overall plan be thought needs to be given to how existing actions that will accomplish what it set out to
<br /> comprehensive in assessing the existing authorities like Coastal Management would do five years ago—to restore the environ- ,
<br /> problems and the adequacy of the existing dovetail or overlap with an as yet non-exist- mental health of the Albemarle and Pamlico
<br /> programs to address these problems,"he says. ing authority like the implementation council." estuarine system,North Carolina's largest
<br /> If the plan had limited aims,it would be sub- "We're not recommending a new author- and most precarious waterhody.
<br />