Orange County NC Website
•Vital Terrestrial Areas and Wetlands 21 — <br /> `Action Plan—Highlights of this plan include -Albemarle-P- '- . C tll r •e • ll e,N4 r': ', <br /> a statewide comprehensive wetlands steward- �I� <br /> ship program for coastal and noncoastal wet- / i, PRIN - - PRI E , \ - ,, <br /> lands,and increased acquisition of wetlands EDWARD- nOwAY ,TA: ;dEGAGE''^ijRRy , <br /> and other important terrestrial areas by gov- ;CHARLOTTE; - <br /> ;'�. DINWIDDIE 1;- N ' <br /> �,. E <br /> ernment and private groups. j ELI ENBURG� --.'RY o ) GHT/ -, i- . <br /> •Water Quality Action Plan—Some I , ' i I ;EA•i HALIFAX /MECKLENBUR -- ..'1,...;', /SUFFOK 1 <br /> recommended actions are new funding to i -714 ia- ' -,,,,_ I •i. 1 , ■VIRGINIA <br /> develop non-agricultural best management i A w - '^h, - •• •, • `..` . ii. NORTH CAROLINA <br /> - - ORTHAMPTON- . , ! o - <br /> practices to control other non point sources �PERSO J�J , WARREN 1 �∎5 <br /> of pollution,coordinated guidelines for manag- - i < i .. I HERTFORD_`; " :,` ,,• .r <br /> ing marinas,and strengthened water-quality -1.1'-t -� : �"- ! :� <br /> policies on secondary treatment of waste. 1 W i • / F'. IN /. . ''TIE ` JP�gEMA�V '� <br /> •Fisheries Action Plan—A number of `� - <br /> plan ° ;.. ``'.\// r /.EDGE 2M.E? ARTIN - p5,'\\G3'. '•E'.!. DARE ATLANTIC OCEAN <br /> actions in this lan would control the over- <br /> harvest of fish and shellfish reduce the by- - WAK ' - o <br /> if `'N +� \1`1 <br /> catch(non-target species),protect \ P "' �. .�I- <br /> fish habi- _ !. /� <br /> ft,.4•,.. ' r . I .. r. ,.EAUFOR '! O <br /> tat,address fish and shellfish kills and diseases, �cio 0 E 50`y� <br /> and strengthen fisheries management. a� •`, / HARD• /_. NE !"-- N. e-. �.�GO \ �. <br /> •Public Education and Involvement I LEA•. �, <br /> Action Plan—This plan would develop and �' ! CRA'r- 0� ,'QP . <br /> •support environmental science education in CUMBE ND, SAM ON 0 . <br /> primary and secondary schools in the state, <br /> ,n. , DUPL1N `-\_1 *-• 1 't ' (j.:7 <br /> and it would encourage more public involve- _ 1�_._ -` o SLOW <br /> CART <br /> ment in environmental decision-making. <br /> All in all,the management plan contains a ‘, - <br /> total of 16 goals,29 objectives and 51 actions. , \ /- <br /> One of the highlights in the plan,says — <br /> Randy Waite,APES director,is a recom- Wildlife Commission game lands,oyster- 1.:',,, r � � :,= -. - , <br /> i , I9 � <br /> I � � <br /> mendation that both Virginia and North producing areas and municipal,state and `'-' , . `L 'r,'4 i :+o-.w''r =, <br /> Carolina pass legislation requiring counties county boundaries. <br /> and municipalities in the study area to have "We think this information system will '`�'? t tk� i 2 FL't <br /> land-use and water-use plans.Thirty-three help tremendously in the land-use planning w 4 j a ✓� 3 y , "5. <br /> of the 36 North Carolina counties in the process,"says Waite."It will allow planners to - ,+ . :1:$:,,,p.,i-+'� 1 i .� f <br /> study area and all 16 Virginia counties already consider all the information they needed '` H - ` f =0 4--. -.+ 4"'-' <br /> have some form of land-use planning."But before,but which would have taken too much -. _-- � r <br /> that doesn't mean that their current land- time to gather."The study also recommends _ ;l '+r '-- 1"'." ._.%' <br /> use plans would meet the guidelines proposed public access to the database by means o' 1'� 1 <br /> to protect natural resources,"says Waite. computer work stations in libraries and state <br /> The proposal would extend mandatory land- aquariums in the region. -; . 1,? <br /> use planning to cover nearly a third of the Another recommendation that Waite likes - , :>:; <br /> state."Without trying to plan for the extra- is one that would develop management plans f l <br /> ordinary growth this region will experience, for specific fish species to eliminate the over- KE4 TAYLOR t <br /> we could find ourselves in serious trouble," fishing threatening many of them.The N.C. From the beginning of the five-year <br /> explains Waite. Marine Fisheries Commission would be the APES study,public involvement has <br /> "The county can decide how it wants to lead agency in continuing to develop plans been important in finding prescrip- <br /> grow and what it wants to do with its lands. that might provide a basis for further regu- tions to restore and maintain the <br /> We want to make sure the county plans on lations if necessary. health of North Carolina's ailing <br /> how its growth is going to impact the natural "The fishermen are concerned about that," sounds.Citizen committees'recom- <br /> resources.We want the stare to take a hand in admits Waite."But these plans will give the mendations were revised after being <br /> saying that counties must plan for their effects fishermen some long-term planning ability.A presented at public meetings. <br /> on the environment." lot of times,fishermen don't know what the <br /> As a basis for effective land-use planning, restrictions will be even the day before the <br /> the CCMP also recommends the mainte- season opens.These plans will give us more regulating wetlands have drawn fire in recent <br /> nance of a geographic information system predictability." years.CCMP drafters don't recommend <br /> for the APES area.Over the past five years, A third highlight of the plan,according to further regulation,but they recognize the <br /> APES has given about$1 million to the N.C. Waite,is the recommendation to increase value of these wetlands and other natural <br /> Center for Geographic Information and government and non-government acquisition communities.By the year 2003,the plan <br /> Analysis to build up data for state and local of vital terrestrial and wetland areas in the recommends that the state purchase a mini- <br /> planners in the region.This computerized region.The topic of wetlands is controversial, mum of 16,000 acres of rare,high-quality <br /> system can produce maps showing as many as especially in eastern North Carolina where natural communities. <br /> 48 different information"layers"—the the majority of North Carolina's wetland The plan also recommends that state, <br /> location of wetlands,fisheries nursery areas, acreage occurs and where federal programs local and federal governments offer more <br /> 7 <br />