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12 <br /> fisheries and support the development of state fishery management plans. The licenses <br /> would also provide a source of revenue which can be directed toward supporting fishery <br /> . management efforts. (See Fisheries Action Plan, Management Action K) <br /> F :aid' e Habitat <br /> ;..:•.::... <br /> Within the Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine system, many areas function as vital habitat for aquatic <br /> organisms: nursery areas, spawning areas, shellfish beds, and submerged aquatic vegetation. The <br /> degradation and loss of these areas caused by direct physical disturbance and water quality <br /> degradation threatens the productivity of ecologically and economically important organisms. <br /> Specific protection and restoration measures targeted at these habitats can sustain and enhance <br /> their important functions. <br /> • Create official designations for native submerged aquatic vegetation, shellfish beds, spawning <br /> areas, and additional nursery areas;protect designated areas through use standards, water <br /> quality criteria, local land and water plans, and targeted acquisition and private conservation <br /> efforts on adjacent lands. <br /> Designation and subsequent, protective management and regulation for vital fisheries <br /> habitats protect important ecological functions of these areas and support their <br /> contributions to long-term productivity of important fisheries stocks. After designation, use <br /> standards and water quality criteria should protect these areas from physical alteration <br /> and water quality degradation. Local land and water plans should develop local policies <br /> and management tools to address vital fisheries habitats. Further protection should be <br /> afforded to vital fisheries habitats through voluntary acquisition and private conservation <br /> on adjacent lands. (See Fisheries Action Plan, Management Actions C, D, and E. See <br /> also Water Quality Action Plan, Management Action A.) <br /> • Restore, where feasible, vital fish and shellfish habitats. <br /> Restoration projects mitigate for previous losses of important habitat areas and functions. <br /> Restoration expands the amount of existing habitat and supports a potential for increased <br /> levels of fisheries productivity. The restoration of shellfish beds, particularly oysters, may <br /> contribute to improving water quality by increasing filtering activity which can reduce <br /> levels of nutrients and suspended particles. (See Fisheries Action Plan, Management <br /> Action F.) <br /> shin!! ts::sad: ''<«' <><>>>'> <`` '>> « ~'s ` > ><> ; ' <br /> ::. l • <br /> tip:•: <br /> Despite many years of research, the causes of fish and shellfish kills and diseases are, <br /> unfortunately, still not well understood. Recently, however, research supported by APES has <br /> discovered a new toxic algae that kills fish and was found in association with fish kill events on <br /> • the Pamlico and Neuse rivers. Further significant steps toward determining causes of fish and <br /> shellfish kills and diseases can be made with continued research and expanded monitoring efforts. <br /> Upon determining causes, management strategies can be designed to minimize human <br /> contributions to the occurrence of fish and shellfish kills and diseases. <br /> Executive Summary --11 <br />