Orange County NC Website
DOA-736 (Revised 1/93) <br /> and liability arising out of performance under this Agreement to the extent of <br /> errors or omissions of the County. <br /> 14. Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance. <br /> Both the County and community service providers, as identified in paragraph one <br /> (1), shall comply with the requirements of this paragraph. <br /> No contractor, employee or applicant for employment shall be discriminated <br /> against because of race, color, handicap, religion, age, sex, or national ongin. <br /> The County shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88- <br /> 352 and 42 USC 2000 d) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the <br /> Regulation to assure that contractors and applicants selected for employment are <br /> treated during employment without regard to their race, color, handicap, religion, <br /> sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the <br /> following: employment, upgrading, demotions, or transfers; recruitment or <br /> recruitment advertising; layoffs or terminations; rates of pay or other forms of <br /> compensation; selection for training including apprenticeship and participation in <br /> recreational and educational activities. The County certifies that it presently has <br /> in effect an affirmative action program. The County agrees to post in a <br /> conspicuous place available to employees and applicants for employment, notices <br /> setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. The County shall <br /> in all solicitations or advertisements for contractors or employees placed by or on <br /> behalf of the County state that the County is an "Equal Opportunity Employer". <br /> No distinction shall be made because of race, color, handicap, religion, sex, or <br /> national origin in providing to eligible individuals any services or other benefits <br /> under projects financed in whole or in part with Older Americans Act funds. <br /> (This provision excludes age since the Older.Americans Act serves only older <br /> persons by design and by law). <br /> The County shall comply, and assures compliance by any contractor or subgrantee <br /> receiving funds through this Agreement, with the Americans With Disabilities Act <br /> of 1990, and with requirements contained in applicable federal regulations, <br /> guidelines, and rules to ensure a policy of nondiscrimination for service <br /> recipients, employees and applicants for employment. <br /> The County agrees to comply with such guidelines as the Area Agency or <br /> Division of Aging may issue to implement the requirements of this paragraph. <br /> 15. Compliance with Reayirements of the Area Agency. Unit Slates Department of <br /> : : . -a• • t u - e • h . .fin. . 14 •eh : .lina <br /> Division of Aging. The County agrees that it is fully cognizant of the rules and <br /> regulations promulgated pursuant to Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, <br /> - 8 - <br />