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2 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA HU <br /> IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE <br /> ORANGE COUNTY I -'j ' <br /> SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION <br /> ;.7 cvs 8 08 <br /> County of Orange ) <br /> Petitioner ) I•. 4--C <br /> v ) JUDGMENT <br /> Town of Mebane ) <br /> Respondent ) <br /> This cause comes on to be heard by the undersigned <br /> Judge of the Superior Court upon motion by both the petitioner <br /> and the respondent for judgment on the pleadings. <br /> This is an action brought pursuant to Section 1-253 <br /> et seq. of the General Statutes of North Carolina 'for the <br /> interpretation of a contract between the parties, the same <br /> being attached to the petition and marked Exhibit "A, " and <br /> for an adjudication of the rights of the parties pursuant <br /> thereto. The court finds that there is a genuine dispute <br /> between the parties as to the matters set forth in the petition <br /> and that this is a proper case for a declaratory judgment and <br /> for consideration of the relief prayed for in the petition. <br /> The court further finds that there are no material <br /> facts in dispute between the petitioner and the respondent and <br /> that all matters in contention between the parties as set <br /> forth in the petition and the response are contentions as to <br /> matters of law and not of fact, this being a proper case fpr <br /> ), ,/N final judgment by the court upon a consideration of the <br /> ti pleadings and the arguments of counsel for the Farties based <br /> thereon. <br /> The court has considered the pleadings and has heard <br /> arguments of counsel for the petitioner and the respondent, <br />