Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />DESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL <br />Orange County Jail <br />HVAC Systems Replacement <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina <br />May 18, 2007 <br />Reece, Noland, & McEtrath Engineers propose to provide Professional Engineering Services for design of <br />Keating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Replacement for this facility. <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: HVAC System replacement, including associated electrical and general <br />construction for the approximately 16,600 square foot portion of the jail encompassing all'but'the mast <br />recent addition. <br />FEE: Our'lump sum fee for this'project is Fifty-Four Thousand Dollars ($S4,Ot)O:t?p}. The' milestones for <br />billing are as follows: Schematic/Design Development Phase 35%, Construction Documents 40%, <br />BidlNegotiate 5%, Construction Phase 20%. <br />BASIC SERVICES: The lump sum. fee proposed above includes the. following basic services: <br />L Prepare projectdrawings and specifications in sufficient detail. to obtain regulatory approval and to <br />receive'bids. <br />2. Coordinate our work with work of other members. of the Design Team. <br />3. Solicit bidders, receive bids, and negotiate as required, providing required documentation to allow <br />the County to.award'a contract to, the selected bidder. <br />4. 'Review shop drawings and submittals far items. of work"that are part of our design. <br />5. Conduct regular site visits during construction to observe the work and assist with: coordination or <br />problem resolution: <br />6. Conduct Pre-Bid,'Rre-Construction, and Monthly Construction Conferences. <br />7. Conductpre=final, final; and end of warranty inspections. <br />8. Review Owner's Manuals and as-buih drawings submi ted by the Contractors. <br />9. Support Owner during the Contractors' one-year warranty period to resolve any problems with <br />equipment manufacturers, suppliers, system operation, balancing, etc. <br />10. Preparation of Electronic Record Drawings from contractor-furnished as-built marked prints. <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES: The lump sum fee proposed above does not include services such as those <br />listed below. We will propose additional fees for such services upon request: <br />1. Design of additional elements not related to the HVAC systems replacement, which may be <br />generated by the Orange County Inspections Department. Examples would be additional fire <br />alarm, fire sprinkler systems, fire rating of existing construction, egress modifications, etc. <br />