Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> Bezomi:L a CLG: in North Carolina, many municipalities and counties have preservation <br /> programs. Most communities with historic preservation, historic district, or historic <br /> landmarks ordinances containing the provisions of the site enabling legislation (General <br /> Statutes 160A-400.1 through 160A-400.14) arc eligible for certification. <br /> A local government that wishes to seek CLG status should plan to submit the following to the <br /> CLG Coordinator of the State Historic Preservation Office: <br /> 1. Evidence that a comprehensive inventory of the area's cultural resources has been <br /> or will be conducted. <br /> 2. Information regarding the area's locally designated historic districts and/or historic <br /> landmarks. <br /> 3. The ordinance creating the local commission. <br /> 4. The commission's rules of procedure. , <br /> 5. The design guidelines used by the commission. <br /> 6. Resumes of the members of the commission. <br /> 7. A description of the commission's past and current activities. <br /> Grants: A government may be certified at any time; however, it must satisfactorily function <br /> as a CLG for a year before it is eligible for the grant funds earmarked for CLGs. If a <br /> commission is interested in participating in the grant program, it should be aware of the timing <br /> of the grant application and award cycle. Grant applications are due around the first of the <br /> year and awards are made in the late spring or early summer. Grants are for projects that can <br /> be completed within one year. Grants have a 50/50 matching requirement and are awarded on <br /> a competitive basis. Funds may be used for activities such as (1) architectural or <br /> archaeological survey, (2) National Register nominations, (3) preservation planning, (4) design <br /> guidelines, (5) architectural plans or feasibility studies, and (6) in a limited number of cases, <br /> physical restoration and stabilization. <br /> FOR MORE INFORMATION: <br /> The Certified Local Government program: CLG'Coordinator, Administration Branch, 919/7334763. <br /> Historic structures and local designation: Preservation Planner, Survey and Planning Branch, 919/733-6545. <br /> Grants to local governments and organizations: Grants Coordinator, Administrative Branch, 919/733-4763. <br /> These are branches of the State Historic Preservation Office, N.C. Division of Archives and History, 109 East <br /> Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601-2807. <br /> 2/92 <br /> • <br />