Orange County NC Website
143 <br /> amendment, and a legal description of the land. " <br /> A tax map at a scale of one inch to four hundred <br /> (400) feet has been submitted in lieu of the map <br /> specified above. A legal description has been submitted. <br /> b. "The manner in which the proposed amendment will carry <br /> out the intent and purpose of the adopted Comprehensive <br /> Plan. " <br /> The applicants state that the provision of water and <br /> sewer service is part of a multi-year plan by the owners <br /> to "improve the image and quality of life in the park" . <br /> In 1990 and 1992 the owners submitted park policies to <br /> all residents noting plans to upgrade with water and <br /> sewer services. The recent completion of this service <br /> will allow the park to use two spaces currently vacant <br /> because of former septic tank problems, and potentially <br /> petition for additional spaces from unused land within <br /> the park site. <br /> The applicants also cite an article (attached) on the <br /> role of mobile homes in providing affordable housing. <br /> Finally, the applicants feel the intent and purpose of <br /> the plan to provide for the public health and safety will <br /> be facilitated through public sewer as opposed to the <br /> previous septic tank system. The applicants note a letter <br /> from the County Environmental Health Division along these <br /> lines (attached) . <br /> D. COMPARISON OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT WITH LOCATIONAL CRITERIA <br /> In analyzing an amendment to the Land Use Element of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan, the requested land use category is evaluated <br /> for compatibility with all applicable Locational Criteria from <br /> Section 3.4 of the Land Use Element. <br /> COMPLIES means that the area being evaluated is compatible with the <br /> locational criteria. DOES NOT COMPLY means that the area is not <br /> compatible with the locational criteria. QUESTIONABLE means that <br /> compatibility cannot be definitively stated from information <br /> currently available. <br /> 3 <br />