Orange County NC Website
• 135 <br /> 2 <br /> At the writing of this letter of request, this sewer line <br /> project is well on its way, although blue stone granite is <br /> impeding the progress of the construction of the sewer line, thus <br /> making it much more expensive to build than we had estimated. <br /> Both water and sewer projects were 10 financed by the <br /> owners of the park. <br /> The City of Durham has doubled the water rates because our <br /> mobile home park is located outside the city limits. The sewer <br /> rates will also be doubled at the completion of the sewer project <br /> for the same reason. <br /> Our reasons for applying for amendment of the land use plan <br /> are as follows: <br /> When the Caroline Mobile Home Park was built in 1965-1966, <br /> the owners of the Park did not develop all the lots in the <br /> 11.9 parcel of land. Most of the area that was not developed <br /> was not suitable for on-site sewerage disposal systems <br /> installed during the 1965-1966 period. <br /> With .. our current water and sewer systems tied in with <br /> the City of Durham systems, we now feel that the land may <br /> be developed, thus making reasonable use of the unused <br /> parcel of the land. <br /> Also, as we have mentioned above, these projects have <br /> been immensely costly and we feel that if we could develop <br /> a portion of this undeveloped land which has been part of the <br /> Caroline Mobile Home Park since 1965-1966, we could increase <br /> the revenue of our park to help defray some of the very <br /> expensive construction costs and also operating costs <br /> incurred in our effort to improve the quality of life for <br /> the inhabitants of the park. <br /> Other factors or reasons offered in support of the proposed <br /> amendment are: A comment by Mr. Allan Wallis, author of <br /> Wheel Estate, The Rise and Decline of Mobile Homes writes an <br /> article in the New York Times entitled: U.S . Can't Afford <br /> Mobile Home Snobbery. <br /> A letter from Mr. Ron Holdway, Environmental <br /> Health Supervisor, written to Louis B erini, part owner of <br /> Caroline Mobile Home Park, on August 3, 1992. We feel that <br /> this letter indirectly supports our amendment application. <br />