Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT A <br /> Project Specifications for Sewer Line Easement Clearing <br /> Overview <br /> It is the intent of these specifications to provide enough information for a <br /> Contractor with the proper equipment to clear the existing sewer easement such that <br /> a maintenance truck can travel along the easement. Basically, this involves cutting all <br /> vegetation growing within ten feet on either side of the sewer line, clearing any limbs <br /> that may be growing into the space above the easement and removing trees, limbs <br /> or other obstructions which may have fallen across the easement. <br /> For this project, Orange County will supply the following: <br /> 1. A map of the easements to be cleared, attached as Exhibit B. <br /> 2. Notification to all the Efland Sewer customers that easement clearing will be <br /> taking place. <br /> 3. Field flagging of the centerline of the force main clearing from the Richmond Hills <br /> pump station at the east end of Alice Miller Ct. to the gravity sewer manhole <br /> northeast of Efland Cheeks Elementary School. <br /> The Contractor will be expected to provide all equipment and labor to clear the <br /> easements as described below. <br /> Scope of Work <br /> The fee associated with this scope of services is for clearing the entire system <br /> one time. All of the easements for the sewer lines shown on the map, Exhibit B, are <br /> to be cleared to the standards listed below, except for those sewer lines that are <br /> located under streets. The area to be cleared is ten feet on each side of a straight <br /> line between each manhole in the sewer system. Therefore, the total cleared width <br /> will be 20 feet. It is important that the cleared area be as straight as possible, <br /> because we are not allowed to do any clearing outside of the easement. There are <br /> some areas adjacent to existing road rights of way that originally involved fence <br /> relocation. In such instances, clear to the fence line or 10' from sewer, whichever is <br /> less. <br /> All grass, bushes, vines, saplings or trees that can be mowed should be cut to <br /> a height of no more than 5". Trees that cannot be mowed down should be cut so the <br /> stump is level with the ground (no more than 5" above the ground) and the <br /> remainder of the tree either chipped in the field or hauled away. The easement <br /> needs to be cleared sufficiently for a maintenance vehicle to be able to drive to every <br /> manhole for cleaning or inspection purposes. Should there be any significant trees of <br /> question within the specified clearing limits, prior to removal, the Contractor should <br /> contact the Orange County Engineering staff for specific direction. <br /> S:\12_Engineering\Efland Sewer\Contracts\Easement Clearing\FY2016-2017\SewerLineEsmtClearingSpecifications_2016.docx <br /> Specifications Page 1 of 2 <br />