Orange County NC Website
The Coalition for Fair Represeitation <br /> Statement to commissioners concerning representation task force proposal <br /> April 20, 1993 <br /> We are pleased that the commissioners are finally responding to the public's concerns <br /> about fair representation in Orange County. We look forward to a thorough analysis of the <br /> inequities in our current system and the opportunities that such a process will provide for <br /> reform. <br /> We regret that the commissioners are acting hastily in creating this task force and <br /> thus preventing substantial citizen input concerning the make-up of the committee. It is <br /> extremely important that this process get off on the right foot or the issue will become <br /> even more divisive than it already is. <br /> The committee as it is now proposed virtually ensures further frustration and <br /> disenfranchisement. The major source of inequality in our current system is the lack of <br /> institutionalized representation for the minority rural population. The task force proposal <br /> gives no indication of this political reality. We have no problem with the members <br /> proposed, but it is far from representative of the views of those who have been active on <br /> this issue. <br /> The issue of fair representation deserves to be dealt with in the most inclusive and <br /> sensitive manner. We have a wonderful opportunity to build bridges among the diverse <br /> citizenry of our county by reinventing and strengthening our government. It would be a <br /> shame to allow hidden agendas or petty politics to fuel antagonism at this point. <br /> Therefore we are requesting that you authorize the formation of a task force to <br /> examine representation issues. Additionally, we ask that you invite the broad range of <br /> community leaders involved in this issue to a meeting in order to agree on the make-up of <br /> the task force. Let's work together to make this process as smooth as possible. <br /> For further info: <br /> Mark Marcoplos 933-5562 <br /> Phil Jacobson 929-3833 <br /> Betty Ibrahim 942-7898 <br /> Lee Mortimer 489-7028 <br /> Helen Urquardt 929-2651 <br />