Orange County NC Website
1g <br /> building setback lines significantly <br /> greater than required by ordinance <br /> provisions. Compliance with this <br /> standard is assured in University Lake <br /> Watershed where a subdivision is <br /> required to provide a minimum lot size <br /> of five acres. <br /> (The subdivision is located in the Rural <br /> Buffer. The lot sizes proposed are more than <br /> twice the required minimum lot size. <br /> The building setbacks proposed from existing <br /> and on side and rear lot lines are larger <br /> than the minimum required.) <br /> b. The retention and/or provision of <br /> landscaping and use of clustering of <br /> dwelling units to screen the view of <br /> the subdivision from public roads <br /> and/or maintain a wooded or forested <br /> character, maintain scenic views, <br /> or preserve wildlife, botanical, <br /> historic, archaeological and/or <br /> recreation sites. <br /> (Restrictive covenants include tree <br /> protection requirements. Drainage easements <br /> and the lot layout will protect drainage <br /> ways. The 100-foot buffers will help screen <br /> the subdivision.) <br /> 2. The number, location and/or size of lots to <br /> be located in the subdivision are such <br /> that, even if constructed to State stan- <br /> dards, the streets would not be accepted by <br /> the State for maintenance due to density or <br /> other State requirements; <br /> (Refer to first Staff evaluation comment.) <br /> 3 . Recreation and/or open space areas, includ- <br /> ing lands containing significant botanical, <br /> wildlife, historic and/or archaeological <br /> sites, are to be dedicated and/or preserved <br /> through restrictive covenants in amounts <br /> significantly greater than required by <br /> standards for recreation/open space <br /> dedication. <br /> (The Preliminary Plat shows a greenway <br /> dedication 42% larger than the minimum <br /> required. The home and- outbuildings on <br /> lot 2 were identified as historic during <br />