Orange County NC Website
4. <br /> OWASA Report to Orange County Commissioners <br /> March 23, 1993 <br /> Page 3 <br /> At its March 11 meeting, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to decline the Town of <br /> Hillsborough's most recent offer to purchase the northernmost three miles of the 16-inch treated <br /> water pipeline that interconnects the OWASA and Hillsborough water systems. Despite some <br /> differences of technical opinion between our staff and Hillsborough's, the Board's decision was <br /> based primarily on the policy finding that short term financial benefits to the Authority of selling <br /> a portion of the pipeline would be outweighed by the potential costs of compromising a segment <br /> of an areawide water transmission network that will become increasingly important in years to <br /> come. The difference in cost between the Town's offer to purchase the pipeline and the estimated <br /> construction cost of installing a new 12-inch main to Hillsborough's southern service area was <br /> found to be only about 15 percent. We are confident that Hillsborough has the ability and <br /> commitment to resolve its southern service area distribution problems in the near future. <br />