Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Page 10 of 12 <br /> 2. For Departments selecting monthly payments through the check option -- <br /> Provided the Consolidated Contract is properly executed and all <br /> quarterly expenditure reports are filed within the established time <br /> frames, payments equal to 1/12 of the total program approved budget <br /> shall be made each month as follows: <br /> July October March <br /> August December April <br /> September January June <br /> Based on expenditures reported for the first, second, and third <br /> quarters, payments shall be adjusted either upward or downward, in <br /> payments made in the following months: <br /> November February May <br /> 3. For departments selecting quarterly reimbursement option, payments shall <br /> be made when the quarterly expenditure report is received. <br /> 4. For departments receiving Rural Obstetrical Care Incentive funds, <br /> payment of such funds shall be made in one lump sum the month following <br /> receipt and approval of the activity budget. <br /> 5. For departments receiving Maternal Outreach project funds, payment will <br /> be based on actual reported expenditures. Monthly payments will be made <br /> provided that expenditure reports are received as required in C. 4. h. <br /> 6. Food and lodging fees will be disbursed to the department in one sum the <br /> month following receipt and approval of the activity budget and any <br /> subsequent budget revisions. <br /> 7. Funds for injury prevention projects will be disbursed in one lump sum <br /> during the first quarter of the project budget approval. <br /> 8. Quarterly payment for reported expenditures in Line Item 1000 shall be <br /> limited to one-fourth of the budgeted amount in that line item. <br /> 9. Increased or decreased payments necessitated by changes in the total <br /> budgeted amount will be reflected in the monthly payments subsequent to <br /> approval of the budget revision. <br /> 10. Payments shall be suspended when expenditure reports are not received by <br /> the time specified in 4 a and f. Payments will resume in the months <br /> subsequent to receipt of the expenditure reports. <br /> 11. Payment is limited to the total amount of the budget by line item. <br /> 12. Final payments will be made based on the-4th quarter expenditure report. <br /> Final payments will be equal to the difference between approved reported <br /> expenditures and the sum of previous payments. Final payments should be <br /> made not later than September provided that an original signed copy of <br /> an expenditure report for each quarter has been received by the office <br /> of fiscal management. Final payment will be made only after the Staff <br /> Time Activity Report, DEHNR 3389, is received by the State. <br />