Orange County NC Website
FY 1993-94 STAFF WORK PLAN - INITIAL STRATEGIES AND COST ESTIMATES <br /> The Year One Work Plan outlined below represents the portion of the water resource investigation process that <br /> can be accomplished as a preliminary phase of the overall ground-water development, management and <br /> protection program, Many of the tasks included within the outline can be accomplished at little expense, or in <br /> conjunction with other County initiatives. The Water Resources Committee would oversee this work while <br /> completing its charge. <br /> Develop public information programs <br /> • Develop public education brochures re/lated to facts about well use and maintenance, <br /> abandonment of wells, proper well locations, and common household and rural activities <br /> which can adversely affect well yields and water quality <br /> • Begin to publicize the County effort to embark on a water resource protection and <br /> management program <br /> • Develop systematic public input process for reporting ground-water resource problems and <br /> other information which would lead to an enhanced understanding of the resource <br /> Augment staff resources as required to assist in development of general data base related to water <br /> resource concerns <br /> • Utilize new interns and temporary employees to research water resource data availability and to <br /> collect and collate data for preparation for GIS entry <br /> • Utilize new interns and temporary employees with environmental health, planning and geography <br /> backgrounds and GIS experience to translate existing data for GIS database development. <br /> • Utilize new interns and temporary employees to field verify or obtain latitude/longitude or State <br /> Plane coordinate data to locate critical water resource affected activities <br /> Create interdepartmental teams to address means of acquiring water resource data in areas of common <br /> interest and expertise <br /> • Determine areas of exper*..;e in water resource-related issues, exchange information, <br /> concepts, ideas <br /> • Develop standard data collection forms for well permits and tests, special use permits, building <br /> permits, inspections, environmental impact statements, waste treatment system permits, <br /> agricultural BMPs and pesticide permits, etc. <br /> Accelerate development and implementation of County GIS capabilities <br /> • Acquire global positioning satellite technology as required to provide latitude/longitude <br /> locations of water quality and quantity activities <br /> • Improve and expand general staff accessibility to GIS equipment and training <br /> • Provide staff position for GIS systems applications specialist <br /> • Develop guidelines/procedures for enhanced, GIS compatible records/data management <br /> • Purchase GIS applications training and data developed by outside agencies as required to take <br /> advantage of GIS information applicable to Orange County water resource issues <br /> • <br />