Orange County NC Website
/57_ 915 <br /> MEMORANDUM f � <br /> TO: County Commissioners <br /> John Link, County Manager <br /> FROM: Don Cox, Water Resources Comm' ttee Cha' 4!. <br /> Sharlene Pilkey, Vice-Chair } �,-_2,u.L, . "' <br /> DATE: March 23, 1993 <br /> SUBJECT: Revised Interim Report of the Water Resource Committee <br /> Please find attached the Water Resources Committee ' s Interim <br /> Report which has been revised to address the BOCC ' s questions and <br /> comments from the Board' s December 1992 Goal Setting Retreat. <br /> The report contains two main sections: 1) an outline for the <br /> process to define the groundwater resources of Orange County and <br /> 2 ) the first year work plan and budget. <br /> The Committee finds that there is a strong need to determine the <br /> existing status of ground-water quality and quantity in Orange <br /> County. In addition, the Committee believes that it is essential <br /> that we begin to analyze the impacts of human activity on this <br /> critical resource and to develop strategies to protect it . <br /> Others have gone there before us and have lost the resource for <br /> lack of foresight and planning. It is important to note that <br /> approximately forty percent of the population of Orange County is <br /> currently dependent on wells and more areas dependent on well <br /> water are being developed rapidly. Yet we have no idea how much <br /> ground water we have, where it is located or how much population <br /> or industry we can safely accommodate. <br /> The importance of the governmental role as steward of our ground- <br /> water quality and ground-water exploitation increases in direct <br /> proportion to population growth. Stewardship becomes even more <br /> critical because of the nature of the resource. That is, ground <br /> water often does not show obvious signs of overuse or water <br /> quality degradation until redress of those problems is beyond the <br /> capability of available ground-water remediation tecnology. The <br /> occurrence of isolated incidents of ground-water depletion and <br /> degradation in Orange County is a matter of record. It is <br /> prudent to assume that occurrence of such incidents will be an <br /> accelerating phenomenon in Orange County and in every other <br /> geographic area that houses a growing and technologically <br /> advanced population. <br /> The committee believes that it is essential for the future of <br /> Orange County to continue the ground-water project. To support <br /> this assertion, we ;lope that it will be possible for one or more <br /> of its members to address the BOCC at one of its future meetings <br /> to explain details of our findings . Finally the Committee wishes <br /> to thank the County Commissioners for their strong support during <br /> our deliberation= . <br />