Orange County NC Website
open space, they might have requested a variance which would have permitted clustering <br /> on 15,000 sq. ft. lots instead of 20,000 as the RR zone permits. This would be cost effective <br /> for them, be beneficial to the environment and be within the anticipated growth projections <br /> of the area planning. Possibly in exchange for the increased open space, some additional <br /> density such as the originally suggested 1.3 units per acre could be considered. <br /> Surely, there must be some compromise that could result in a win-win situation. I implore <br /> the Board to deny this application and encourage the applicants to pursue an alternative <br /> that would be more in keeping with what they say they really want, and the public is <br /> prepared to accommodate. <br /> Respectfully, <br /> g676tW, a,43,,b f <br /> Carol-Ann Greenslade <br /> f f <br /> qtr <br />