Orange County NC Website
Mr. & Mrs. H. Taylor Vaden <br /> 8033 Old NC 86 Chapel Hill NC 27516 <br /> (919) 967-2184 , 11 <br /> April 7, 1993 <br /> Roy Williford, Manning Director, Carrboro" <br /> Marvin Collins, Manning Director, Orange County <br /> Re: Z-2-93 LAKE HOGAN FARM <br /> We, the undersigned residents/registered voters of Orange County, respectfully <br /> request that this letter be read into the official record of the F'ublic Hearing scheduled for <br /> April 15, 1993 at 7:30 FM at which time proposed amendments to the Carrboro Zoning <br /> Ma and Orange County Zoning Atlas will be heard. <br /> We oppose the Lake Hogan Farm (and environs) rezoning request on the following <br /> grounds and urge rejection of the proposed changes: <br /> 1. There exists in Carrboro and Orange County a Small Area Planning Work Group <br /> whose charge is to develop a comprehensive plan for the growth and development of the <br /> area identified as Carrbords future growth area in Orange County. This group has not been <br /> consulted about the proposed change in zoning. Any action now that would result in <br /> changes in current zoning without involving the Work Group would be an insult to due <br /> 9rocess and would contradict the goal of the Board of Aldermen in establishing the Small <br /> Area Manning Work Group on October 6, 1992, <br /> 2. The petitioners have presented no evidence to show that doubling the current <br /> zoned density would NOT have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of all citizens of <br /> Carrboro, and especially on property owners who reside near the property where zoning <br /> changes are requested. <br /> 3. It is detrimental to the overall growth objectives of Carrboro and of Orange <br /> County to engage In spot-zoning that is inconsistent with existing plans developed for the <br /> good of all residents of Carrboro and Orange County. <br /> 4. Petitioners should be required to provide satisfactory evidence that their <br /> proposed changes will have no negative impact on the ecology and wildlife of the area, on <br /> transportation and roadways, on public schools, on water and sewerage systems, on waste <br /> disposal systems and landfill capacities, on police, fire, and health services, and on the <br /> general well-being of the populace. <br /> 5. The Small Area Manning Work Group should be required to evaluate the proposed <br /> changes according to the nine points delineated in the Group's defined mission, particularly <br /> with regard to patterns of growth and their impact; conservation of farmland, natural <br />