Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Staff Report <br /> Lake Hogan Farm Rezoning Request <br /> No decision has been made by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen to <br /> place a moratorium on development permits during this project. The <br /> land in the Transition Area cannot be rezoned by the Board of <br /> Aldermen alone, rather it can only be rezoned by the Board of <br /> County Commissioners pursuant to a joint public hearing process as <br /> provided for in the Joint Planning Agreement. A moratorium on <br /> rezoning requests would have to be approved by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners after a joint public hearing process. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> Carrboro' s R-R and R-20 zoning districts are similar in many of the <br /> uses permissible in each. Nonetheless, there are a number of uses <br /> peimissible in the R-R zoning district which are not permissible in <br /> a R-20 zoning district. These uses include temporary homes for the <br /> homeless; horseback riding stables; institutional residences such <br /> as nursing care, intermediate care, handicapped, aged, infirm, or <br /> child care institutions; veterinarian and kennel operations; <br /> agricultural operations which include livestock; airports; sanitary <br /> landfills; cemeteries; and commercial greenhouse operations with <br /> on-premises sales. Rezoning to R-20 would move these parcels to a <br /> more restrictive zoning category while doubling the allowable <br /> density. <br /> There is a significant difference between Carrboro R-R and R-20 in <br /> the maximum number of dwelling units allowed per acre. Carrboro R- <br /> R allows 1 dwelling unit per acre; R-20 allows up to 2. 1 dwelling <br /> units per acre. Dimensional requirements for the R-R and R-20 <br /> zoning districts are the same. <br /> The parcels under consideration for rezoning total approximately <br /> 264 acres. Under R-R zoning a maximum of 264 units could be <br /> developed; under R-20 zoning a maximum of 574 units would be <br /> possible. It is critical to note that it would be very difficult <br /> to realize this many standard single family lots from the parcels <br /> because no land has yet been set aside for roads, recreation <br /> purposes, required stream buffers, or as undevelopable land. . <br /> However, under multi-family or certain cluster designs it would be <br /> more likely that this many lots could be realized. <br /> The parcels proposed for rezoning are accessed via Old Rt. 86 (SR <br /> 1009) or Lake Hogan Farm Rd. (SR 1728) off of Homestead Rd. (SR <br /> 1777) . These are the main transportation routes which would be <br /> affected by any development which occurred on these parcels. The <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation has recently completed <br /> a feasibility study of possible improvements to Homestead Rd. from <br /> the Calvander intersection east to NC 86. A feasibility study is <br /> required before any road project can be reviewed by the State Board <br /> 5 <br /> 1 <br />