Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Although orange County will seek the support of municipalities and private interests in <br /> the actual publication of the inventory, funds are being requested to employ a <br /> consultant to prepare the manuscript and collect photographs for the inventory <br /> document. <br /> A consultant will also be sought to undertake the archaeological survey. The <br /> survey is a spin-off of the historic sites/structures inventory in that a doctoral <br /> candidate at the University of North Carolina was employed as an intern by the Planning <br /> Department to follow behind the work of the consultants in the Chapel Hill Township <br /> survey, seeking to identify archaeological sites at each location which may be worthy <br /> of more detailed investigation. The intern is also reviewing the existing record of <br /> archaeological sites in the county in order to assess their potential relative to <br /> National Register criteria. The work of the Planning Intern will be incorporated into <br /> the survey strategy described below, and known sites that appear eligible for <br /> nomination to the National Register will be investigated to determine their current <br /> status. <br /> The archaeological survey for which funds are requested will seek to identify and <br /> assess archaeological sites to compliment the architectural survey which is currently <br /> being conducted in the remaining portions of the county. The survey will be <br /> accomplished by background research and a reconnaissance level survey to identify areas <br /> with a high probability of containing prehistoric and historic sites. High probability <br /> areas will be further subjected to intensive surface survey as well as shovel and auger <br /> testing where ground surface conditions prevent a surface appraisal. <br /> In addition, the Planning Department will identify sections of the county where <br /> future development is likely to occur. These areas will also be subjected to intensive <br /> surface survey. Local artifact collectors and other persons knowledgeable of <br /> archaeological and historic sites in orange County will be interviewed and their <br /> collections inventoried. All sites recorded will be subjected to a preliminary <br />