Orange County NC Website
Nutrient Sensitive Waters <br />• 1983 Nutrient Sensitive Waters designation <br />- DWQ imposed 2 mgt phosphorus limits for WW'I'Ps <br />- DWQ began using NPDES permitting to assign even more <br />stringent limits to UNHA W WTPs <br />• 1997 Clean Water Responsibility Act (Im slsisL <br />1997-458) <br />- Act imposed 2 mg/L TP limit for W WTPs <br />- Act imposed 5.5 mgt TN limit for W WTPs <br />• 1998 Extend Compliance Date tss t3eeisL 1998-zlz> <br />- Act allowed time for monitoring, modeling and compliance <br />- Act required calibrated nutrient response model for extension <br />s~arr;: r,~ni rximr <br />TMDL <br />• 2002 303(d) List <br />- Developed by DWQ and approved by US EPA <br />- Upper New Hope Arm impaired for chlorophyll a <br />- Toml Maximum Daily Lond required by EPA under Clean Water <br />Act <br />• 2006 303(d) List <br />- Upper New Hope Arm impaired for chlorophyll a <br />- Lower New Hope Arm impaired forchlorophylla <br />- Haw River Ann impaired for chlorophyll a and pH <br />- TMDLs promised by 2008 <br />s~ih~oy tSul hliVcr <br />Where Are We Now? <br />• B. Everett Jordan Reservoir, North Carolina Phase <br />I Total Maximum Daily Load (Apri12U07 draft) <br />• Jordan Reservoir Water Supply Nutrient Rules <br />(tvtarch 2UU7 draft) <br />• Fiscal Analysis: B. Everett Jordan Reservoir <br />Water Supply Nutrient Strategy (~•tarcL 2007 draft) <br />s~.a~:r•r r.,.a reamr <br />i~- <br />2 <br />