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2 <br /> • UNC Hospital continues to request a part-time economic services supervisor to work on-site <br /> at the hospital assisting with Medicaid applications. This position is currently a temporary <br /> position, but it is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. As a result, Social Services <br /> recommends establishing a permanent part-time position to work at UNC Hospital 15 hours <br /> per week. The County's costs are reimbursed through the hospital contract. <br /> • Social Services received notification of a grant award in the amount of $540,000 for federal <br /> fiscal year 2016-17 to expand the Food and Nutrition Employment and Training program in <br /> Orange County. This $340,000 dollar increase requires a match that can be met this year <br /> with existing funds, and also allows Social Services to help more individuals acquire jobs that <br /> pay the County living wage of$13.15 per hour through subsidized employment. <br /> There are some unique challenges related to creating positions for subsidized employees, <br /> and the proposed plan created with Human Resources and Finance will address those <br /> issues but require minor changes to procedures. Social Services proposes to place most of <br /> the subsidized employment program participants into six-month temporary positions based <br /> on the individual's skill sets and available job placement sites. Most of these sites are in <br /> county government, other government agencies or non-profits, but some are in local <br /> businesses. <br /> There will be some special circumstances warranting additional time in subsidized <br /> employment beyond the six-month period (for example, individuals with serious barriers such <br /> as former foster youth). These individuals will be placed in trainee appointments and will be <br /> provided benefits. The Social Services Director would indicate the length of the appointment <br /> to the individual as well as to Human Resources and Finance. This would assure that these <br /> employees receive appropriate benefits while maintaining the flexibility needed to operate an <br /> effective subsidized employment program, particularly for individuals with substantial <br /> barriers. The number of participants involved would be dictated by the funding available for <br /> this program component. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The increased grant award will increase the overall County budget. <br /> Since Social Services will realign the current approved budget, sufficient funds will be available <br /> to provide the match required for the current fiscal year. Social Services is not requesting <br /> additional County funds to expand this program. Budget Amendment #3-A provides for the <br /> acceptance of the additional $340,000 in federal funds for the above stated purposes. The <br /> other positions impacted by this proposal are reimbursed under current agreements and have <br /> no associated County costs. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is applicable to <br /> this agenda item: <br /> • GOAL: ENSURE ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY <br /> The creation and preservation of infrastructure, policies, programs and funding necessary <br /> for residents to provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care for themselves and their <br /> dependents. <br /> These positions and programs support the economic self-sufficiency goal by providing <br /> opportunities for low-income individuals to receive additional training and job placement services <br /> and to increase their wages. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />