Orange County NC Website
6 <br />Contact County Staff to Verify Farm Status <br />Determine whether your operation is a `bona fide farm" by contacting a representative of the Cooperative Extension, <br />Economic Development Commission, Soil & Water Conservation District, or Farm Service Agency. North Carolina <br />General Statute (NCGS) 153-A-340 specifically exempts bona fide farms (and farm related structures) from zoning <br />regulations and some NC State Building Code requirements. The Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation <br />Enabling Act, provides an expanded definition of a bona fide farm for farmers participating in an Enhanced Voluntary <br />Agricultural District Program (EVAD). <br />l~l ®evelop a Plan <br />Consider agricultural enterprises that would complement your farm. If you operate a bona fide farm and your <br />proposed business is considered "re/ating to or incidentaP' to your farm you may NOT need any Planning <br />permits. However, you may need other permits from Inspections, Environmental Health, and/or other <br />state & federal agencies. Examples of operations considered "accessory".include but are not limited to: <br />^ Retail sales of products grown on the farm such as fruits and vegetables, nursery and greenhouse crops <br />^ Pick-your-own fruits and vegetables _ <br />^ Processing and marketing products grown on the farm such as milk, ice cream, canned goods and wine <br />^ Agritourism operations such as corn mazes, hayrides, and horse trail rides <br />Visit with Cooperative Extension, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Economic Development staff to develop a <br />business plan and determine all necessary local, state, and federal regulations. Your farm agency representative will help <br />you answer these questions and coordinate the planning process. <br />^ If your proposal exceeds the threshold of being "relating to or incidental" to your farm you may still be <br />able to pursue the enterprise, but you will likely need to obtain a permit from Planning. <br />^ Some uses, such as bed and breakfast inns or stables, may require separate land use permits. In <br />addition, some uses may not be allowed in protected watersheds. <br />Get a Letter <br />Once you have a plan, ask your farm agency representative to prepare a letter describing your proposal. The letter can <br />summarize your plan and outline the local, state, and federal regulations that apply to your project. If applicable, the <br />letter can also state that the proposed use is "relating to or incidental" to your bona fide farm. Try to have copies of <br />letters or permits from all appropriate county, state, and federal agencies to show that you are in compliance. <br />9 <br />Get County Permits <br />If your use is considered "relating to or incidental" bring the following to Planning & Inspections: <br />^ A copy of the formal letter from local farm agency staff with reference to bona fide farm status; <br />^ Any additional documentation necessary to indicate you are in compliance-septic permit, state or federal permits; <br />^ A copy of a survey, plat or tax map of the property; <br />^ A sketch plan showing any new or existing buildings <br />linked to the operation, sign locations, and off-street -. -- _ - _ _ _ <br />parking; . _ .. <br />If your use requires a formal permit from <br />Planning: <br />Your farm agency staff will work with planning staff to <br />shepherd you through the process. You may need to <br />hire a surveyor, engineer, and/or architect to prepare a <br />site plan and building construction drawings. Keep your <br />formal letter and any documents showing compliance, <br />with farm related regulations, to include in your <br />application packet. <br />Apply for any remaining Building permits, Erosion <br />Control permits, or Environmental Health permits. <br />~ <br />~~ <br />, .-. _ . ~ tree farm <br />" - ar <br />b <br />n <br /> ~ <br />- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />i MecharYcsv~~c Road,. '. . <br /> <br /> ~. , , tree i, rrri , . - <br />5 <br />03egin Your New Farm Enterprise , , <br />Planning Staff will create a file documenting your new - ~ °' ~°• ~ -- -• <br />- „'- ,.. <br />enterprise. This information will be available to staff to """ "~~ w <br />answer questions that might arise from neighbors. It will -- _ -' '-" <br />also provide invaluable data about successful agricultural <br />uses in the county to help us develop better programs and policies for the future. <br />