Orange County NC Website
7 <br />suggested as general retail, office, and service <br />uses where the traffic impact will be of a lower <br />intensity and there will be less need for large <br />scale warehouse transportation vehicles to <br />access local roadways. <br />While the majority of small scale development <br />within this zone shall be reviewed and approved <br />at staff level, larger retail operations shall require <br />additional levels of advisory board and County <br />Commissioner .involvement, unless the project is <br />proposed through a comprehensive master plan <br />and is designated as a major employment center. <br />Mixed use developments are possible within the <br />zone subject to the submission, review, and <br />approval of a Conditional Use Application/Site <br />Plan to be reviewed in accordance with the <br />provisions of the Zoning Qrdinance. The portion <br />of the Southern Zone outside of the Town of <br />Mebane water/sewer boundary agreement, <br />specifically the properties east of the Gravelly Hill <br />Middle School property (Southern Zone Primary II <br />Transition), can be utilized to support mixed use <br />development projects subject to Conditional Use <br />Application/Site Plan approval. <br />2. iVorthern Zone (Area 2A) - Primary <br />Wholesale/Light Industrial/Manufacturing (P-WIM): <br />Due to the presence of the Southern Railroad line, <br />and the proximity of US Highway 70 to the <br />Plorthern Zone, non-residential development <br />within the Zone shall focus primarily on providing <br />wholesale, light industrial, and manufacturing <br />land uses. All of these uses still have to adhere to <br />the high performance standards as noted within <br />the EDD Design Manual. There shall be <br />limitations on general commercial or service <br />related business being able to locate within this <br />Zone. <br />The concentration of such land uses in this area <br />is due to the presence of existing transportation <br />infrastructure to properly support the service <br />delivery and shipping needs of large scale, <br />distribution warehousing, wholesaling, and light <br />industrial operations. <br />Existing .residential development shall be <br />preserved and protected to the greatest extent <br />4 <br />