Orange County NC Website
4~ <br />western boundary area and the Town of Mebane <br />Water/Sewer boundary comprising the eastern boundary <br />line. <br />Existing Land Uses: <br />Land uses within, and adjacent, to the Southern Zone <br />range firom single-family residential to a variety of non- <br />residential and institutional uses including the Gravely <br />Hill (Middle School and the proposed West Ten Soccer <br />complex. There are numerous . undeveloped, and <br />underdeveloped, properties within the Southern Zone <br />where additional development can occur. <br />Utilities: <br />In 2004, the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />approved a utility service agreement with the Town of <br />MMebane allowing for water and sewer services to cover <br />an 836 acre portion of the Buckhorn Economic <br />Development district, including properties within the <br />Southern Zone, as well a 222 acre portion of a <br />Commercial Industrial Node west of Buckhorn Road. <br />Access (Management and Klass Transit: <br />All of the lots in the Southern Zone have direct frontage on <br />either West Ten Road or Buckhorn Road. The number of <br />access points onto Buckhorn Road and West Ten Road <br />should be minimized by .creating internal access roads <br />where possible, which should be accomplished by an <br />access management system of project master plan. The <br />extent to which internal access roads are feasible and the <br />points at which internal roads would intersect with West Ten <br />Road, will depend in part on which lot(s) is (are) first <br />developed, and how lots are combined as development <br />occurs. <br />There are three (3) sub Economic Development zones <br />wifihin the I-$5 Buckhorn ED district that allow for <br />differing levels and intensities of non-residential <br />development. These areas are as follows: <br />1. Southern Zone (Area 'I A) Primary <br />Retail/Office/Service (P-ROS): <br />As a result of the existing development trends <br />within the zone, non-residential development is <br />3 <br />