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z~ <br />MASTER PLANNED districts shall be so related to the general <br />development pattern and the objectives of the Comprehensive <br />Plan as to provide for comfort and convenience of residents, <br />facilitate protection of the character of surrounding <br />neighborhoods, and reduce automotive traffic congestion by a <br />reasonab~ close relationship (either in distance or in time) <br />between or~ins and destinations of persons living, working or <br />visiting in such developments, or by availability of mass transit. <br />Housing, commercial and service facilities and principal places <br />of employment shall be so related by physical proximity, by <br />major street networks or by mass transit as to promote these <br />objectives. <br />Within MASTER PLANNED districts, regulations adapted to such <br />unified ~lanninci and development are intended to accomplish <br />the purposes of zoning and other applicable regulations to an <br />~uivalent or higher degree than where such regulations are <br />intended to control unscheduled development on individual lots, <br />and to promote economical and efficient land use, and <br />improved level of amenities, appropriate and harmonious <br />variety, creative design and a better environment. <br />I~laster Planned Defined <br />For purposes of those regulations, a Master Planning is: <br />Land under unified control, to be planned and developed as a <br />whole; <br />b) A single development operations or a definitely programmed <br />series of development operations, including all lands and <br />buildings; <br />Principal and accessory structures and uses substantially <br />related to the character and purposes of the district; <br />According to comprehensive and detailed plans which include <br />not onl r~streets~utilities, lots or building sites and the like, <br />but also site plans and floor plans for all buildings as intended <br />to be located, constructed used and related to each other, <br />and detailed plans for other uses and improvements on the <br />land as related to the buildings; and <br />e) With a program for provision, operation and maintenance of <br />such areas, facilities and improvements as will be for common <br />use by some or all of the occupants of the district, but will not <br />be provided operated or maintained at general public <br />expense. <br />Traditional Approaches <br />Traditionally, the typical measure of residential land use <br />intensity has been density. For nonresidential uses, bulk has <br />been the measure of intensity, and building coverage, building <br />height, and floor area standards have been used to limit bulk <br />to acceptable levels. A basic understanding of these intensity <br />measures. <br />Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) .................. <br />Economic Development Districts Design Manual <br />Page 2.3.3 <br />