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z <br />The manual and table employs different sets of approval processes, i.e. administrative, Class <br />A or B Special Use Permit (SUP) or Planned Development (PD) rezoning. Although, this is a <br />classic zoning mechanism that can be effective, other methods can be used to promote <br />compatibility. In fact the two other EDD zones, used other methods such as placing <br />compatible uses in a prescriptive large zone (either Primary or Secondary EDD), so the <br />potentially conflicting land uses of retail and light industrial or residential would not occur. <br />Another method uses heightened performance standards such as is noted in the Design <br />Manual to create better access, appropriate buffers and landscaping and master planning to <br />manage the patterns of development. Also, the scale and/or employment impact of a project <br />can be considered. <br />Therein, this amendment to the I-85/Buckhorn Road EDD would amend the use table and <br />associated process requirements and promote the Primary EDD zone to develop into a <br />Retail-Office-Service zone south of I-85 and/or a Wholesale, Industrial, Manufacturing zone <br />north of I-85. The ranges of uses are still generally allowed but the process type promotes a <br />certain generalized use category located in a particular zone. Since these different EDD zone <br />types are being suggested to be intermixed, there. is a different and higher level of <br />performance standards and procedural scrutiny that is involved. <br />The attached permitted uses tables will be explained at the public hearing. Also attached is <br />an excerpt the amended Design Manual explaining the locational characteristics of the <br />preferred EDD zones of economic development. activity in the I-85/Buckhorn Road district. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: ,Cost of Legal Advertisements are part of the Planning Department <br />Budget. Existing staff will support the writing and implementation of the proposed ordinance. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />1) Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input and <br />2) Refer to Planning Board for their recommendation to the BOCC <br />3a) To be received in time for the June 26, 2007 regular Board of County Commissioner <br />meeting or <br />3b) Another date so decided by the BOCC <br />