Orange County NC Website
Orange County SE & SC Ordinance September 1 6, _'*Meotember 12.20h6 <br />4. To discourage the construction of drainage systems which do not <br />functionally approximate the natural drainage pattern. <br />5. To minimize sedimentation and erosion, within the watershed, and as a <br />result, minimize the transport of sediment and pollutants to University <br />Lake. <br />6. To protect and maintain the existing habitat of fish and wildlife. <br />7. To prevent damage from flooding while recognizing that natural <br />fluctuations in water levels are beneficial. <br />8. To protect the absorptive, purifying and retentive functions of the natural <br />systems existing in the University Lake, Cane Creek, and Upper Eno <br />Watersheds area. <br />9. To ensure the attainment of these objectives by requiring the approval and <br />implementation of sedimentation and Erosion Control Plans for all <br />activities which may adversely affect the University Lake, Cane Creek, and <br />Upper Eno Watersheds. <br />10. To provide and enforce design and performance standards for control of <br />post- development erosion and sedimentation in order to preserve the <br />characteristics that existed in the University Lake, Cane Creek, and Upper <br />Eno Watersheds Area prior to development. <br />SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS <br />As used in this Ordinance, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following <br />definitions apply: <br />Accelerated Erosion - means any increase over the rate of natural erosion as a result of <br />land- disturbing activities. <br />Acre - means 43,560 square feet. <br />Act - means the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 and all rules <br />and orders adopted pursuant to it. <br />Adequate Erosion Control Measure, Structure, or Device - means one which controls <br />the soils material within the land area under responsible control of the person conducting <br />the land - disturbing activity. <br />Affiliate- a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, <br />is controlled by, or is under common control of another person. <br />3 <br />