Orange County NC Website
Orange County SE & SC Ordinance S_ t__ , 16, 2004September 12.20h6 <br />B. The landowner or person in possession or control of the land when <br />he /she has directly or indirectly allowed the land - disturbing activity <br />or has benefited from it or he /she has failed to comply with any <br />provision of this Ordinance, the Act, or any order adopted pursuant <br />to this Ordinance or the Act as imposes a duty upon him/her. <br />Phase of Grading - means one of two types of grading, rough or fine. <br />Plan means erosion and sediment control plan. <br />Sediment - means solid particulate matter, both mineral and organic, that Chas been or is <br />being transported by water, air, gravity, or ice from its site of origin. <br />Sedimentation - means the process by which sediment resulting from accelerated erosion <br />has been or is being transported off the site of the land - disturbing activity or into a lake or <br />natural watercourse. <br />Siltation - means sediment resulting from accelerated erosion which is settable or <br />removable by properly designed, constructed, and maintained control measures; and <br />which has been transported from its point of origin within the site of a land- disturbing <br />activity; and which has been deposited, or is in suspension in water. <br />Storm Drainage Facilities - the system of inlets, conduits, channels, ditches, and <br />appurtenances which serve to collect and convey stormwater through and from a given <br />drainage area. <br />Stormwater Runoff - means the direct runoff of water resulting from precipitation in any <br />form. <br />Stream - a body of water flowing in a natural surface channel. Flow may be continuous or <br />only during wet periods. <br />Subsidiary - an affiliate that is directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, <br />controlled by another person. <br />Swale - an elongated depression in the land surface that is at least seasonally wet, is <br />usually heavily vegetated, and is normally without flowing water. Swales conduct <br />stormwater into primary drainage channels and provide some groundwater recharge. <br />Ten -Year Storm - means the surface runoff resulting from a rainfall of an intensity <br />expected to be equaled or exceeded, on the average once in 10 years, and of a duration <br />which will produce the maximum peak rate of runoff for the watershed of interest under <br />average antecedent wetness conditions. <br />Tract - means all contiguous land and bodies of water being disturbed or to be disturbed <br />as a unit, regardless of ownership. <br />VA <br />