Orange County SE & SC Ordinance Septe bee 16, 2003September 12. 20b6
<br />Intermittent Stream - a stream or portion of a stream that flows only in direct response
<br />to precipitation. It receives little or no water from springs and no long- continued supply
<br />from melting snow or other sources. It is dry for a large part of the year.
<br />Lake or Natural Watercourse - means any stream, river, brook, swamp, sound, bay,
<br />creek, run, branch, canal, waterway, estuary, and any reservoir, lake or pond, natural or
<br />impounded, in which sediment may be moved or carried in suspension, and which could
<br />be damaged by accumulation of sediment or any body of water which is or would be
<br />denoted by a solid blue line or solid blue shapes on United States Geological Survey
<br />topographic maps.
<br />Land - disturbing Activity - means any use of the land by any person in residential,
<br />industrial, educational, institutional, or commercial development, highway and road
<br />construction and maintenance that results in a change in the natural cover or topography
<br />and that may cause or contribute to sedimentation.
<br />Local Government - means any county, incorporated village, town or city, or any
<br />combination of counties, incorporated villages, towns, and cities, acting through a joint
<br />program pursuant to the provisions of the Act.
<br />Natural Erosion - means the wearing away of the earth's surface by water, wind, or other
<br />natural agents under natural environmental conditions undisturbed by man.
<br />Open Burning of Trees, Limbs, Stumps and Construction Debris Associated with the
<br />Permitted Activity - shall be defined to be the disposal of limbs, stumps and construction
<br />debris associated with the permitted activity by means of outdoor fires.
<br />Parent - an affiliate that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
<br />controls another person.
<br />Peak Discharge - the maximum instantaneous flow from a given storin condition at a
<br />specific location.
<br />Person - means any individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or
<br />private corporation, trust, estate, commission board, public or private institution, utility,
<br />cooperative, interstate body, or other legal entity.
<br />Person Conducting Land - disturbing Activity - means any person who may be held
<br />responsible for a violation unless expressly provided otherwise by this Ordinance, the Act,
<br />or any order adopted pursuant to this Ordinance or the Act.
<br />Person Responsible for the Violation - as used in this Ordinance means:
<br />A. The developer or other person who has or holds himself/herself out
<br />as having financial or operational control over the land - disturbing
<br />activity; or
<br />I
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