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6 <br /> Site reconnaissance by the Joyce Engineering, Inc. (JEI)project manager and <br /> project engineer and the Bain, Palmer and Associates, Inc. (BPA) project manager <br /> and field geologists will be made initially to coordinate site access, meet with land <br /> owners, and to reconnoiter the topography,vegetation and other significant features <br /> for use in the planning of the geotechnical investigation and in the engineering <br /> evaluation in the next task of the project (outside the current scope of work). <br /> Additionally, a second day of project engineer time has been allocated in order to <br /> coordinate the access of the drill rig on each site with the land owners. Again,if <br /> more time is required to coordinate access to each site, then this will be provided on <br /> a time and expense basis. <br /> • Wetlands Identification - During the site reconnaissance of the candidate sites, a <br /> wetlands specialist will perform a walkover of each site through the lowlying areas <br /> to preliminarily identify the presence and general extent of the wetlands. Derailed <br /> mapping of the wetlands boundaries are not anticipated at this time due to the <br /> extensive cost of this level of work. However, the preliminary identification of the <br /> wetlands will allow for ranking of the sites during the engineering evaluation of the <br /> sites. <br /> • Geologic Reconnaissance- An initial geologic reconnaissance of each site will be <br /> made during the initial site reconnaissance meeting. Additional geologic <br /> reconnaissance work will also be completed after this initial site visit. The geologic <br /> reconnaissance will include mapping of any significant geologic features such as <br /> outcrops, boulders or dikes. Streambeds will be walked to evaluate whether there <br /> are wet weather features. <br /> • Field Exploration Program - The field exploration program will consist of auger <br /> borings, soil sampling and water level measurements. A minimum data base of 41 <br /> auger holes, 41 water table measurements, 22 shallow borehole composite <br /> samples, and 10 deep borehole composite samples is necessary to characterize <br /> these sites in sufficient detail to weigh their relative suitability. Table One lists the <br /> field explorations proposed for each site: <br /> Table One <br /> PROPOSED GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS <br /> Number of Number of Deep <br /> Number of Number of Shallow Borehole Borehole <br /> SITE Boreholes Water Level Composite Composite <br /> Measurements Samples Samples <br /> OC-2 12 12 5 1 <br /> OC-9 9 9 5 2 <br /> OC-11 10-14 10-14 6-8 3 <br /> OC-17 10 10 6 3 <br /> 2 __ Mow <br /> 4*31:141112CHll:W:N <br />