Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation <br /> Landfill Site Search <br /> Orange Regional Landfill <br /> Purpose of Work <br /> The purpose of this preliminary geotechnical investigation is to obtain sufficient data on the <br /> subsurface conditions at each candidate site in order to: (1)evaluate the presence of fatal flaws, <br /> and (2) use the subsurface data in the engineering evaluation of the candidate sites that will be <br /> completed in the next task of this project. <br /> Scope of Work <br /> The preliminary geotechnical investigation will include field exploration of the subsurface <br /> conditions at sites OC-2, OC-9, OC-1 i, and OC-17, laboratory testing of selected soil samples and <br /> an evaluation of the subsurface conditions which will be summarized in a report. The scope of <br /> work is divided into the following items: <br /> • Site Access and Reconnaissance - We anticipate walking the site with the land <br /> owners to discuss access roads, disturbance due to the drilling vehicles, and <br /> clearing requirements. Regarding clearing, the preferred method will be clearing by <br /> hand, though some road cutting may be appropriate or necessary in certain <br /> circumstances. This clearing can be done by the Landfill Owners Group (LOG) <br /> staff or by the drilling subcontractor on a time and expense basis. Site restoration <br /> may vary between sites, depending on the prevailing site conditions. We would <br /> recommend a diligent restoration effort, where appropriate, but we do not anticipate <br /> stump/log/brush removal or replanting of trees. Again, the LOG staff may be <br /> involved in this work to minimize contracted services or they can be.provided as <br /> needed by our subconsultants or their subcontractor on a time and expense basis. It <br /> is anticipated for this cost estimate that the LOG staff will be responsible for the <br /> bulk of the clearing and restoration work and that the subcontractor will be <br /> responsible for incidentals associated with clearing and cleaning of the site only. If <br /> the subcontractor is required to complete this task, the rate for clearing and cleaning <br /> will be $100.00 per hour. <br /> We anticipate that access will be provided without delay by each property owner at <br /> the time of the initial arrival of the drill rig and that the drill rig will be allowed to be <br /> left on site throughout the drilling operations. Any additional work or expenses <br /> required due to security of the field personnel or equipment (e.g.,daily removal of <br /> the drill rig) will be provided on a time and expense basis. <br /> 1 <br /> suabiaidima <br /> 111~11111/ Elam <br /> 0 Printed on recycled paper <br />