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Mr. Reginald Gillespie <br /> L2757-92 <br /> August 3, 1992 <br /> Page 3 <br /> vertical extent of a site being evaluated for a possible landfill will be approximated <br /> based on this information coupled with any geophysically mappable characteristics of <br /> the site. <br /> Aquaterra proposes using DC Resistivity to determine any traceable bedrock units <br /> for several reasons: <br /> • it is non-invasive <br /> • the relative ease of conducting the survey <br /> • it is not susceptible to aboveground interferences <br /> Seismic Refraction Techniques <br /> Another method of determining the vertical extent of a site being evaluated for a <br /> possible landfill is seismic refraction techniques. The seismic refraction technique <br /> uses information gathered of the arrival times of seismic compressional waves to <br /> determine depths to and competency of definite geologic units. <br /> Refraction lines can be conducted at selected sections to trace out a mappable <br /> bedrock unit and detect depth to ground water. If the geologic conditions between <br /> the soil and the bedrock are significantly different, the outline along the refraction <br /> lines may be approximated. This method involves using a recorder that depicts <br /> arrival times at set stations. These devices are sensitive to the movement of seismic <br /> waves. An energy source (such as a hammer-like device) is used to generate the <br /> seismic wave. <br /> The ability to trace out geologic bedrock units and the water table is the key <br /> advantage of this method. The advantages of this method are its non-invasive <br /> nature, ease to conduct, and its ability to avoid aboveground interferences. <br /> Aquaterra has used seismic refraction techniques on several sanitary landfill siting <br /> studies. One particular study for Rowan County, reduced the need to employ <br /> invasive drilling techniques to only two sites with one being the ultimate location for <br /> their present landfill. <br /> Electromagnetic Method <br /> In this method, a remote transmitter is used as an energy source with frequencies <br /> varying between 15 to 30 kilohertz. The receiver is set at a position normal to the <br /> transmitter wave direction and profile lines are conducted along this trend. The <br /> receiver measures the radio signal distortion along the profile caused by electrically <br /> conductive structures in the subsurface. Aquaterra normally uses an ABEM Wadi <br /> VLF instrument to conduct these surveys. <br /> Fractures are located based on current density distributions of an electromagnetic <br /> field. Current density is calculated by the conductivity meter and then plotted along <br /> the profile. In general, positive current densities are associated with porous <br /> fractures. Fracturing is considered a major limitation for a prospective landfill site. <br /> AQUATERRA - ' <br />