Orange County NC Website
Chapter 2: The Plan <br />This plan shows the intersection of US 70 with Hill St. and'.Rainey Ave. <br />(1) The. undeveloped parcels on the south side of the rendering are the lots currently under development <br />idKenion Grove. <br />(2) The parcel on the east side of Rainey is shown as townhome development. 'This parcel has limited <br />frontage on- Cornelius Street, but provides an opportunity to introduce a variety of housing types in the <br />corridor. <br />(3)'A mixture of retail and service buildings is shown on the parcels between Rainey and Hill Streets. <br />;The-lots, if developed together, could share parking and side street access. The existing building at <br />"Rainey could be retained. (4)iParking is sufficient for single -story retail or for multi -story uses that have <br />varying peak parking needs such as a movie theater or restaurant and a shop or church. <br />39 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />