Orange County NC Website
Chapter 2: The Plan <br />,( Concgprtual ,,S►'iteIP- Zang,SShowiitg,, tedevel pmentll►otential <br />This plan shows the intersection of US 70 and Churton Street. <br />(1) Pedestrian amenities have been added. ..P) New buildings are brought to the street edge to create a <br />more urban feel while maintaining human scale. <br />(3) The parking has been moved to the rear of the lots with limited site access. "The amount of parking is <br />generally adequate for single -story retail, offices and services. Second =floor residential could be added' <br />without dramatically increasing parking demand. As the town re- writes its development . requirements, <br />parking requirements may be reduced to encourage alternate modes of transportation. <br />-4); Landscaped buffers are provided along the rear to maintain residential privacy. ' This will need to be <br />studied, as development occurs to balance privacy and CPTED concerns. <br />38 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />