Orange County NC Website
Chapter 2: The Plan <br />1,,Wegeveliqpnie,iitIlPote,ntidI <br />After identiBjing the parcels most likely to redevelop in the near future, the,Task Force decided to <br />explore what future development may look like. The following set of before and after I pictures are <br />meant to be conceptual renderings only. They are not meant to define the architectural style or use of <br />any particular site in the corridor but are rather designed to inspire future development and <br />redevelopment. The renderings include residential, commercial, and office uses along the US 70/ <br />Cornelius Street- Corridor and include both one and two-story options. The architectural treatments in <br />the renderings are meant-to be sympathetic and congruent with the historic district while encompassing <br />contemporary architectural elements and state-of-the-art designs <br />IlBefore *fter <br />"Existing <br />- one-story retail <br />Mixisting <br />'Two-story office and retail <br />35 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />