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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />a rev lopgnon>tTotontiai <br />In order to provide an accurate view of what future development may look like, it was necessary for the <br />...Task Force to first develop a map showing the development potential of each parcel along the US 70/ <br />Cornelius Street Corridor. -The map was conceived after the careful analysis of existing conditions. <br />First, the'Task Force identified residentially zoned and residentially used properties as `developed'. <br />Next, parcels with significant topographical challenges were identified and labeled as such. This <br />category is not meant to suggest that development is impossible on these parcels; simply that topography <br />will have to be considered during design. The group also identified existing businesses that represent <br />strong anchors in the corridor. ,The. -Task Force agreed that these parcels are not likely to see <br />development or redevelopment in the near future but could benefit from site improvements. Finally, the <br />group looked at the remaining parcels and identified those left as being ready for redevelopment. 'This <br />category has high redevelopment potential and could likely see development in the near future. <br />34 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />