Orange County NC Website
Chapter 2: The Plan <br />IlEcononzic+',Dev,�Iopyneiit,,7 iecont mendations <br />The.,Task,Force identified the following recommendations in regards to economic development. <br />m® 111dentify the ideal land uses for parcels along 70, Corridor. <br />® .,Encourage businesses and property owners in the corridor to coordinate and organize their efforts to <br />revitalize the area <br />;® Promote the corridor through marketing and a public campaign <br />«® "Investigate options for business incubator space in the corridor <br />® Refer relocating-DanieLBoone businesses to existing or proposed development sites in the corridor <br />"0 Encourage the development of small business incubator space <br />3® Encourage the 70- Corridor community to establish a CDC with a for profit development arm <br />