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. Chapter 2: The Plan <br />work in four distinct areas — Design," Economic-Restructuringi,,Promotion, and Organization — that are <br />combined to address all of the commercial district's needs.'? (From the National Trust for Historic Preservation,'Main <br />Street: Revitalizing Your Commercial District website: <br />The four strategies of thd'Main Street Approach are: <br />1. - organize public private partnership <br />2. Promote the district and district assets <br />3. Provide streetscape improvements and promote compatible infill <br />4. Investigate economic restructuring <br />Though the 70, Corridor is not a historic commercial area in need of revitalization, incorporating some of the <br />strategies of thd'Main Street Approach can still be very helpful. ,For instance, identifying the economic drivers <br />could help the task force to promote the corridor to future developers. The Task Force determined the <br />following list of key attributes of development along the corridor. <br />IT,,,,hevIF,our,liEconomidIDri,vers,,of\NeWIDe,velppment,on-,7'0( Corridor <br />1. "Existing and new development should service the existing community <br />2. ° Commercial development should maintain the neighborhood scale <br />3. New development and redevelopment should be human-oriented design <br />4. Development along the' US 70/- Cornelius Street Corridor should be integrated with downtown <br />Hillsborough <br />IlRnancidl "Assistance <br />,The following financial assistance programs are good places for emerging business owners to seek help: <br />Self -Help Credit. Union <br />'ve Business. Energy, Loans <br />Small, Cities Community, Development. Block, Grants <br />Commerce- Finance Center (state) <br />32 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />