Agenda - 05-21-2007-c1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-21-2007
Agenda - 05-21-2007-c1
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8/28/2008 11:51:14 AM
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. Chapter 2 The Plan <br />IlEconomic/DevL�lopmenB/Tobls <br />,The state's COMMER C E' FINANCE CENTER (CFC) serves as. a "one- stop" financial center for relocating <br />companies and existing employers needing information and advice.on finding financing alternatives in North <br />Carolina. http : / / <br />'The NORTH CAROLINA SMAL L CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM <br />offers grants to local governments for infrastructure projects involving a specific business that will create new <br />jobs.'' In addition, when working with participating banks, loans may made to private businesses to fund <br />machinery and equipment, property or construction. .:Project activities must predominantly benefit persons <br />living for the preceding 12 months in a low or moderate family income status. Assisted project activities must <br />benefit persons (60% o or more) who were previously (most recent 12 months) in a low or moderate family <br />income status. http: / / <br />BUSINESS. ENERGY LOANS may be used by businesses for facilities or projects that demonstrate energy <br />efficiency or the use of renewable energy resources resulting in energy cost savings. <br />bllp:// economicdevelopment.php <br />A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIOM CDC, is non-profit groups accountable to local <br />residents that engage in a wide range of physical, economic and human development activities. Although there <br />is no established legal definition for CDCs, they are characterized by their community based leadership and <br />their work primarily in housing production and/or job creation.,This is what differentiates them from other types <br />of non -profit groups.- CDCs rebuild their communities through housing, commercial, job development and <br />other activities. A CDC's mission is normally focused on serving the local needs of low - or moderate - income <br />households:'Resident control usually takes the form,of board representation. <br />www.evanstonhousing com/ lg ossa1httm <br />North Carolina's Community! Development Corporations have grown out -of the national 30 -year old self -help <br />movement aimed at neighborhood revitalization:, Generally;, CDC's are nonprofit organizations offering <br />resources and assistance in the areas of housing, housing counseling, small business development, childcare, <br />and skills training., iThe financing sources for DC's vary with each corporation, but most receive funds from <br />private foundations and state and federal governments. <br />30 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />
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